I completed MT as Guardian Druid - some thoughts

Like most people, I have found completing Mage Tower as Guardian Druid incredibly frustrating.

It took 180 pulls to complete over two days. Phase One, after a few tries you get the gist and becomes predictable and avoidable.

Phase Two on the other hand, my god. I’m aware that people have completed this using just Shadowlands gear but I am so insanely impressed/confused with how they did this. It feels like a DPS and a HPS check. I went into P2 with 3 orbs up, no Infernals up and Horror’s had just been killed. Literally the perfect start to P2, I managed this multiple times but it honestly felt like total RNG to down the boss.

I farmed Legion LFR and normal, I also had the legendary neck, cloak, ring and feet. I had like 10 agility gems and all the enchants I could use. I also crafted two Dreadful pieces from MoP. And in the end the final 2k was finished off by the NPC’s.

Now like I said, when I downed the boss, it felt like an amazing achievement that I haven’t felt in the game in such a long time. It must be somewhat akin to players getting World First mythic kills. I literally jumped out of my chair and celebrated, which is great, right?

Yes and no. Having to use some planning and forethought to do this was interesting and took me to places and did things that I haven’t done in the game in years. It actually felt like I’d earnt the kill. Prior to me completing MT, this felt kind of annoying but now looking back, it was very rewarding.

Now, my downside isn’t going to contradict what I found positive about my experience. The hard work is ultimately what makes getting the kill so great. The main downside is that it’s very confusing as to what is required of the player gear wise. I found I had noticeably much more DPS and healing with the MoP gear, gems, enchants, consumables but it was really counterintuitive. I had like 5% vers, hardly any haste, a bit of mastery and mainly crit with some leech. Those stats are rubbish for Guardian Druid, I also had a set with 15% vers and high haste using old gear, but this still did less damage than the gear that got the kill. When I ran it with my Shadowlands gear with sockets, 242 gear, enchants and consumables there was no way I would of had the DPS and healing in P2. I know people are going to tell me it’s absolutely possible to do it in full Shadowlands gear with no special consumables, but come on, we all know that it’s beyond difficult.

So all of this to say, I feel proud of my achievement and it really made me engaged in the game again, something I haven’t felt since Wrath and MoP. Blizz, it’s been a very confusing and costly experience to say the least. I dread how this feels to newer players.

But maybe that’s the point, this is a challenge and if everyone gets the rewards without much effort then that excitement and sense of achievement is gone.


Grats enjoy your bear :slight_smile:

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I’m all for hard content that rewards cool cosmetics. But it should be balanced around current gear, not multi-socket legacy gear and enchants/consumables from past expansions that scale much better. And it shouldn’t be a 2 (or 4) week temporary challenge.


You can do it with shadowlands gear ( I did it so basically everyone can), Although I did indeed used past xpac consumables. I in fact really liked that we had to rely on past xpac see stuff to do it, felt like old content was useful again! The only downside was the eye gouging prices…
On topic : Phase 2 is a real mess I agree. 1) it’s not a tank challenge whatsoever and 2) the green pools are way too random ( maybe someone with dBm can track those? Idk)
Phase 1 is really cool though dancing through your forms is very fun. They could have kept this and add a part where you need to cat form in phase 2. This wouldn’t have been a tank challenge but a fun druid one. But since it’s shared across all tanks we got that weird DPS check :confused:

Again druid with full vers gear talk that challange was easy. It was easy because you got bis gear that decrease damage taken and increase damage you do! For my Monk it is bis stat but I cannot get it outside pvp gear!

Just give a template of gear when going into mage tower, it means that no matter what happens in the future it is never going to be out geared or people abusing the scaling.

Really want my werebear outfit, but with everything else I do, got no time to farm old content to abuse scaling system. Gotten to 2nd boss a few times, but the DPS check in shadowland gear is just to high, needs a huge nerf.

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I did it on a fresh ilvl180 druid. It just requires skills, not gear or consumables.

Its not the ilv, its the scaling that blizzard just has not done right, the 180 ilv could of scaled better then full mythic raid gear… because well they dont know how to do scaling correctly

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you dont have the achievement.

So what i’ve found is that gear doesn’t matter all that much (Tried both previous x-pac socketed gear and Shadowlands) but didn’t feel much of a difference so went back to my SL gear (Neck and trinkets excluded)

Now here’s my tip for it: Equip the Heart Of Azeroth Neck! Good/best stat-stick, Use potions of unbridled fury on Phase 2 along with drums, and the most important thing… Trinkets… Oh lawd check your trinkets! Having the right ones makes or breaks this boss!

Personally i used Riftword Codex (good for some healing/dmg procs and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe… BY FAR the best trinket i tested out for this challenge! It does OH so much! <3
EDIT: If you fail to get drops, don’t worry… Another solid choice is the Ghost Iron Dragonling, that act’s as a good Stat-stick with potentially GREAT damage to boot!) And it’s BoE made by Engineer’s

Good luck in there y’all!

Where you achievement then?

here, i don’t generally swap toons on the forum to post

Ok now I see, but I think still core reason why it was doable for you is high versatility stat. My gear scale me to 4% vers, and my timewalkign gear give me 9% vers. So still there is big gap in power between you and me. So gear really matter.

read what i said again, i did test out a full set of bought socketed gear cause i read that would be good… But i didn’t really notice much/any difference, so swapped back to SL gear so i could do other things without having to swap gear around… it was definitely not due to Versa, i got Kru’ul consistently to sub 10% no matter what gear i used (Socketed old or SL)

It’s a very mechanical fight… It’s learning by doing so! But i wish you the best of luck :slight_smile:

Trinkets are 100% the key! I can’t stress enough how important they are for this

Do the people writing threads about completing Mage Tower want a medal or something?

they are trying to help other ppl, but instead of seeing it as help. ppl get salty and cry

My problem it is not mechanics, because i interrupt all spelsl than can be and dodge are dmg. But there are still spells that you cannto avoid so they took your hp. With high versatility stat you have enought damage reduction to decrease those dmg to small enought that your self heal abilities will heal you.


Unfortunately back then it was really a dps race too, even the healing one.

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cheeky uses of Regrowth helps with that, can’t rely of Frenzied alone for the whole fight… And try looking into a hybrid trinket DPS/Hps like the Riftwold Codex from Antorus or something!
That’ll help you out in a pinch…

Again, this is the 3’rd time i’m saying this, i’ve also done multiple attempts in BOUGHT Socketed gear, cause i read that would be better than SL gear and such… But as i didn’t notice any real change either for better or worse i swapped back so i could do current content and MT attempts…

Trinkets are the key… :slight_smile: I’m just trying to giving you advice here mate, whining about Stat’s this stat’s that won’t make it easier for you… Practice and good trinkets will :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s also called a challenge mode for a reason, and i’m here for it! Personal progression in solo content to test your mettle, where you can’t piggyback/get boosted or rely on out gearing content, it’s great <3

#2 EDIT: And if you REALLY believe it to be about gear, head to Korthia… Korthite gear is easy AF to get and as you can clearly see almost all my gear is Korthite upgraded gear… That’s not a “geared druid” that’s slack-gear to get through world content :sweat_smile:

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