I decide what my name is, not you

No thanks, I like my hot T2 helmet

It does not excuse anyone in this thread. This isn’t 4chan, let’s stop acting as if it is.

I believe that you’re fully capable of taking that advice yourself as well.

Absolutely! And when I don’t want a conversation to proceed, or otherwise dislike it, guess what I do?

Stay quiet while dozens of people spam a single thread with insulting comments regarding something as petty as your name? Believe it or not, but some people cope badly with negative criticism (which is the very, very soft term for what transcribed here), hence I believe you could have been the bigger person in this regard and just leave it be.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

yeah exactly got it in one.

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then they can not look at the thread, it’s very simple

just don’t go on the forums for a few days and if it’s still going, stay away for a further few days

they made the thread with an argumentative title that invited criticism, they should have expected criticism

“He can just stay away while we talk :poop: about him”

The whole thread had been derailed by that point. Which, by the way, is against the forum policies afaik. If he anything, he did the people here a favor by changing the thread name.

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but just earlier you said it’s

that happens to every single thread in existence who’s surprised

then you report this thread to the mods

he invited more criticism by making the name argumenative

How can you whine about ‘Rabies’ the worgen but you’re okay with ‘Scrappy’ the Vulpera.

It almost sounds like the PP brigade doesn’t practise what it preaches

Not at all, that change happened very early on and as such established his name as the topic of the thread.

what category do you think scrappy falls under

What -I- think is irrelevant, I think both ‘Scrappy’ and ‘Rabies’ are acceptable names. The PP Brigade seems to think ‘Rabies’ is not, though, case in which I question why they’re okay with ‘Scrappy’.

afaik i’ve not rly argued against the name itself (if i have feel free to quote my posts and i’ll correct myself)

You still need to explain what you mean with this

No but your friends did. You must feel terribly insulted.

i’m not their babysitter

im sure you’re VERY SURPRISED at this but wow! im not

You don’t feel weird that PCU members seem to think names like yours are against the ToS and should be reported for changing?

no because they haven’t said anything about my name. i am not their babysitter. they can have whatever OPINIONS they want, i’m not going to get all uppity or offended, they can tell me my name is bad if they want to. but they haven’t

Hmm, I wonder why. I mean Rabies the Worgen and Scrappy the Vulpera are on the same level.

i don’t know. it’s not my job to answer for them. i don’t care