It wasn’t very a very fun experience.
Playing caster spec that have to hard cast everything including CDs and have almost no instant cast isnt fun in pvp , who woud have thought?!
I wouldn’t mind the hardcasting reliance if the spec weren’t so fundamentally exploitable tbh.
Not to brag but this is literally the first season ever I play warlock and I’m nearly at 2k in shuffle as demo. It’s a very strong and noob friendly spec. Very tanky, got mortal strike, great cc and most importantly super fun to play with all the demons flying around.
No idea why people are saying it’s a bad spec.
Idk i have no issues as demo. Destruction is way more miserable.
Because it is? Relying on clunky AI isn’t good. Try facing people that know what they’re doing then you’ll see how “fun” the spec is. There’s a reason why it has been getting buffs.
Yeah idk about that one.
Use death pact more then. Also Felguard makes demo tankier than other lock specs
Ironically the only spec that Demo doesn’t feel tanky at all is Demon Hunter that is also super bad. If they play Blood Moon you literally melt because of almost permanent 20% damage increase.
just making summon vilefiend a instant cast would make a world of difference.
Just to many casts to play it comfortably in PVP imo.
It’s Charhound now bro
As if I haven’t already been doing that.
No sh!t sherlock.
I’m fine vs dh I’d say the only specs that are annoying are enhance, fury/arms, and outlaw rogue ( a good one)
If im matched with demo on my mage I just spend half the game trying to help him get his damage off lol.
Well you are clearly doing something wrong if you think the tankiest caster spec in the game isn’t tanky.
don’t feel destruction or affliction then if you want to keep smiling in life XD
I’m doing a lot better than you buddy that’s for sure! Considering you only reached where you are after the buffs
You’re acting as if demo is this god spec that can survive being trained by anything.
Again come back to me when you start facing people that have a clue, then you’ll really see how “tanky” this spec is.
Although I agree with you, evaluating people’s knowledge of the spec through ratings seems somewhat redundant at this stage in World of Warcraft’s history.
A clear indication of poor class design can be seen directly in the ladder rankings. Not many demonology players participate, and even fewer succeed, especially when compared to other classes that exhibit fewer bugs, smoother gameplay, and stronger abilities. In this regard, the warlock, particularly demonology, is not in a favorable position.
If we measure the ‘tankiness’ of a Demo by the number of shields it has, then indeed, the Demo is tanky. However, if we assess ‘tankiness’ based on the effectiveness of these shields relative to other defensive mechanisms in the game that offer ways to prevent reaching 0 HP—such as mobility, crowd control, and self-healing—then the Demo’s shields merely provide impressive numbers that delay the inevitable 0 HP outcome rather than prevent it.
You are 200 rating below me
I’m already facing better people than you seeing as you are 200 rating below me
I was over 1800 before buffs and MMR shuffle adjustment, you can check dates on achievements.
You really picked a wrong guy to rating bash kid.
Nah i wasn’t rating bashing him. It just annoys me when a fotm reroller acts as if they all knowledgeable
I don’t play my main in this season as you can see from my gear lol
Not on my alt buddy!
Rating bash? What is there to bash old man?