I did ZG 150 times in whole of 2023

I feel you.

I don’t have the exact numbers to hand but what I can tell you is, I have been running ZG since TBC max level on every reset with at least 2 toons.

Since WOTLK and I gained multiple level 80s, I have uped that number to about 5 toons every reset.
Id estimate im on 600+ kills on both bosses.

I got the Tiger about 2 months ago, Still waiting on the Raptor sadly :frowning:

I have two guys in my guild that got both mounts inside of 4 runs each…

It also took me 278 runs to get the mount from Strat Barron although, I was extremely lucky and got the Raven lord on my 2nd attempt.

Yet to see a Kara mount drop as well.

Ahh well. Gives you something to do.
Ill just use that pvp tiger mount that takes like 30k honor to get.

Hello blizzard.

You are sadistic monsters.
Since Jan. I kept doing more and more ZG runs and still no mount.

Meanwhile the LK mount is 100% drop and supposed to be the fancy mount.
But no … blizzard thinks this much grinding is “fun”.

F&*@&$K this game.


With a 3 day lockout, how would you do ZG 150 times on 365 days?
Max would be 122 days, since this obviously doesnt include your alts. </MathGenious off> :slight_smile:

This is like some sort of evil collector /FOMO addicts support group.

Does your brains explode like a nuke with endorphins when you find one of these?

Be honest, do you run about the room?

I’m a simple cow, mount’s a mount, if it gets me to the Inn in good time great, hello mr grey kodo /hug

I got the tiger today after doing my third ever solo zg run on a whim before raid :wink:

Maybe it would if mount dropped in first couple of weeks. We farmed 2 tigers and 1 raptor for 2 years and couple of months. Chance second raptor dropping are close to zero, but if it happens there would be just a sigh of relief, that the ZG grind is over.

Still no mount.
Gonna give a weekly update

I remember in original wrath I played with some polish DK who was farming it. I was helping him as a warlock just for luls. I couldnt kill it solo so was just going there to get a chance to get raptor at least. He used to e-date some girl and he gave it to her. Then they broke up and he regretted giving it to her. So on the last week of a chance for this mount to still drop befor it gets removed…I am waiting for this dk at ZG and out of boredom decide to give it a try and solo it as demonolog lock, just out of curiousity if I can kill it. I manage to kill it with that bug where you run on pillar, it drops. I linked it to this DK in chat and the guy goes furious that I didnt wait for him xD

Still no tiger mount.
Thank you for this blizzard.
Thank you for rewarding me with NOTHING while doing ZG twice a week for more than a year.
This is just so cruel and toxic like your work environment.
And soon its gone and i cant do ZG runs… making me waste a full year for nothing.

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Finally finished the grind. Took almost 2 years. Got raptor 2 days ago. Now I just casually collect anything I can get for transmog along the way. Looking forward to Cataclysm Classic.


Congratulations man :smiley:

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Ouch I know the feeling. Over the years I both have periods of extreme luck and periods of absolutely zero things dropping, and that includes transmog.

While I don’t collect mounts on classic I absolutely do on retail. Starting my collection again on classic would be too much for me to handle mentally.

I’ve had both midnights dropping for me within a period of 3 weeks, getting almost all drakes from EoE and Onyxia in the span of a month, including Invincible and the Timereaver drake from running timewalking dungeons.

Meanwhile I’m still running TK to get Ashes after all those years. Ah well.

Well this game is about RNG, I know.
Part of being lucky / unlucky is the dopamine kick we are after. After all, blizzard knows that thrives us to play.

But making something temporary, wasting a year of grinding, not getting it and being confronted by the removal and never to be seen again… that’s just mental abuse. Being held a carrot on a stick infront of you, just in the end, to seen the carrot thrown away.

I’m not like: oh Bliz make it 100% drop.
But a system where it adds 0,5% increased drop chance per run, would mean that there would be an end to the grind, instead of being endless.

Or it adds 5% per reputation level, so being exalted, would increase the drop chance by 20%.

And again, when I walk in dalaran, almost 90% of population has the tiger mount.

Meanwhile having invincible mount + shadowmourne legendary is easier and faster achieved. I really can’t be bothered by the raptor, but as horde, ZG tiger mount is only way for horde to be able to have a tiger mount.

From my experience mounts drop the most when you resub after a break.

Also it Feels like the more you farm the lower the chance is tbh. Also it drops to people who “dont deserve it” like my friend did zg twice, got his mount and unsubed. Mount farm is waste of time tbh.

ye sure someone who runs zg hundreds of times for a mount is going to unsub :^)

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Disagree. RNG is RNG, it gives and it ehh, you know what I mean.
I’m a mount farmer and have gotten some extreme lucky streaks w/o having resubbed.
It feels like it’s unfair because sub 1% drops are imo, but we mountfarmers chase that high of getting a rare raid drop mount.

I got the tiger on the very first run but never seen the Raptor in 50 kills.

1 year trying and nothing to show for it

You could have given your sub money to adopt a REAL tiger and you would get photo’s of it playing around doing cute tiger things and watching it grow up from a wee kitty to a big Tiger /rawr in that time.

Stop feeding blizz and go buy some nice real tiger some kitty food

(Sort of funny that the people running blizz have made enough money off people trying to collect ingame tigers that they can afford to buy a personal zoo full of real ones)

Blade runner foretold us this would happen, normal people won’t be able to afford a real pet, they will get a holographic one instead and only the super wealthy will have a real kitty. :pouting_cat:

You know what is infuriating? The guys who got both mounts in the same run. Bit envy of their luck