I did ZG 150 times in whole of 2023

And guess how many times the tiger dropped?

Zero times.

And I even didnt count the countless times I did it on my alts.
Meanwhile Dalaran is been a full-blown mockery in my face with 99,9% of the players jumping around with the tiger mount.

I guess with cata getting close and ZG being updated… might as well be a very good time to stop my subcription :).


I’m in the same situation with the raptor! 5 Alts twice weekly :sob:

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Wasn’t it removed?

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Not yet but both mounts will be removed with Cataclysm pre-patch alongside some other mounts/achievements/titles

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You came to the forums to tell everyone you are going to unsub because you’re salty about not getting a low drop rate mount? Well if it makes you feel better I have had it drop 3 times, along with 2 raptors since WOTLK prepatch.


It took ~200 kills for me to get it. Sucks but that’s how random works.

I know. Its RNG.
A there is excitement about RNG. Will it drop? Won’t it?
But somehow, cant feel much excitement anymore.
I guess I reached a point that i started wondering… does playing this game make me happy? And if RNG is always against you… then the efforts vs rewards ratio is way off and so does my happiness while playing wotlk classic.

Anyway, I got 2 months left on the sub. Lets see :).
Meanwhile I amuse myself a lot with games like BG3.

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Based on the droprate and 150 runs, you are close to 60% probability of getting the mount.
Can not really call that biased or even unlucky yet.

But go ahead, unsuscribe. I don’t care.

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Like a little baby Who doesnt get His toy :rofl:. Sorry Dude but do you think blizz will give it to you know If you cry loud enough? Some people did get illidan glaves some dont…thats rng luck

You are setting your entire game experience to revolve around 1 rare mount, this is exactly your main problem. Enjoy the rest of the game, or just don’t play at all.

Got the tiger at around 130 kills between two toons.

I’m currently way over 400 kills and have recently started to do it on my third toon and still no raptor.

I only ever wanted the Tiger though, so it’s alright i guess, but RNG is still a b :joy:

You can always farm it on Classic Era :slight_smile:

And then it will stay in Classic Era. But progression realms could progress to Legion.

Rng being rng. It could drop anytime or it simply could never drop at all.

Having more characters surely is an advantage though to get more chances in, just don’t forget your rabbit’s foot and lucky coins :slight_smile:


Don’t forget to grab a coupls of these badboys too. :smiley:

Doesn’t feel like adding more chars is working, doing it on 8 per reset.
Will be adding 2 more to the roster soon…

Chances are extremely low, but me and my friend were running 3 characters per reset and got 2 tigers since mid of Wrath phase 1. Still no raptors though.

We can only hope that these return via other source in the future.

I’m running 14 alts every 3 days with a friend since few monthes now. We are approximatly at 600 Runs and still no tiger. We did 1 raptor in our beginning and now we are running only thekal since we both have raptor.
600 runs, still no tiger.

Started last month on 2 char, every reset. Lets see how it goes, focus is the tiger.