So my guild just cleared fyrakk, and i rolled a 100 on “Flame-warped curio”, and it says i won it but i never got it, its not in my mailbox, bags, or anything. Where is it??? I got it and i want it for tier piece.
Well i thought somebody had a similar problem?
Can you see that it was awarded to you in your guild’s loot history tab? Have you triple checked it’s not in your inventory?
I had similar problems with loot, you will get it in mail in few hours
Thx dident know u could check guild tabs, and its nowhere to be foundf that i looted it, It is very weird considering the fact that i scrolled up in chat before and it said and i SAW i rolled 100 and i WON it?
Well either it’s a glitch like false said and you’ll get it eventually, or one of your guildies also rolled 100 and won it.
I checked and nobody else rolled 100 and got it in guild, I hope i get it soon, But if it says i won it? Does it mean i recieved it
same just happened to me, said in chat and on the loot window that i won it, but isn’t showing up in my bags.
Hello, i actully got it after some time, logging out and in your character and waiting a couple of minutes (or a couople of hours" will get u it so dont worry:)
Yes i had it happen. Easy make a ticket and u will get it.
did u try to log off and log in again
Told you
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