I don't care much about 359 weapons, but archeology should be adjusted

I totally get not giving everyone 359 weapon before even the game launches, but this should definitely be improved after.

I want the Tol’Vir mount, which is very rare in the retail, even more rare than the 359 weapons. I’m okay at doing 100-200 Tol’Vir solves, anything beyond that on a 1 year Cata is pure madness while the shortened Cata is Live so you want to do a lot of new stuff, not just digging for half a year.

improve percentages after the launch.


The entitlement…
If you want that rare mount then put in some effort and grind


I did and got it in 30 tolvir solves, too bad I quit cata already and can’t move it to the retail yet :frowning: Would have to do it again there

keep digging lil bro

nope you didn’t, otherwise you wouldn’t make this useless post. Keep digging

this reminds me when people started complaining about not getting zg tiger, then after awhile more and more got it, then people started complaining that everyone had it:P

Its rare for a reason, and its only a cool mount because its rare.

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bro this post was 1 month ago before tolvir was even released

you necro post your own threads?

Yeah, He replied to it after 26 days.

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