I dont get it, who could ever think its a good idea for paladins to ignore forbearance?

Hilariously fun to fight some abomination that is immune to everything for the whole duration of a fight. Wasnt the reason of forbearance existence to remove the ridiculously strong cds to stack? Like where is a reason in such mechanic to be removed? Thats super dumb even for NA corpo standards.


I agree, it was enough immunities even before, now its just fiesta.

But blizzard devs are big fans of unfun mechanics - dk double grip, monk kick into the air, mage block healings, micro cc overall…


Dude, the knock air is probably even more stupid. Like why would they keep adding mechanics that cant be counter played/trinketed. It does nothing in pve and it completely breaks pvp, for no reason whatsoever.


That’s actually what bothers me the most. Stupid stuff like duel, knock up that doesn’t have any counter play to it take out every aspect of skill…


Good old times when Avenging wrath drops you a Forbearance to not pop bubble+wrath :smiley:

Now lay on hands can ignore dampening too … nah thats ridiculous :smiley:


well duel atleast you may have cooldowns for it. If you stand in place aoe heal abilities hit you.

But on stuff like the knock up, dk grip spam + with 2x grip + abom limb, getting pushed allround by trillion knockback abilities, getting deplaced by static + projection (totem deplacing fast make it quite impossible to kill it in time as melee) or getting passively frostbitten consistantly.

It’s so unfun having your position/movement patronized consistantly every 2-3 seconds.


Blizz does not play their game with every class/spec.
Monk with grip, strike that lift you in the air and overall good mobility is just nonsense.
DK with double grip, silence+interrupt, antimagic shell, antimagic zone, lichborne immunity to Charms/fears, Icebound with immunity to stuns - isn’t that too much for a one class?
Hunters with interrupt and silence is a joke.

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I really feel pity for destruction warlocks who need to cast against all of this, even with precog.

You only cast as diabolist though. As Hellcaller you barely cast anything ever (you do more damage if you can cast but your damage is not non-existant if you can’t).

You know what would be the cherry on top of bubble ignoring forebearance? Auto-bubble. :joy:

This is to be expected next, since they decided to give auto use of thistle tea for rogues.

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Which, by the way, is just strictly worse and nobody wanted it.

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The thistle tea automatization is so stupid I had to instantly remove it. Like what use could it ever have…its one of many proofs that these devs never play what they are developing.

Answer is kinda simple: Solo Shuffle. They should have just nerfed the CD rather than removing the whole mechanic though.

Have to agree with people mentioning annoying stuff.
I feel like they have reduced the amount of micro CC just a tiny bit just to add 100 displacements in their place which are technically CC’s too plus they’re equally annoying for both Melee and Casters.

Take Mages for example (classic Warrior PoV i know lol), what do they need that knockback for? They have a instant ranged interrupt, the most anti-melee kit in the game and now they have another tool to both interrupt and keep melee away/can push people behind pillar to LoS heals, not to mention how strong it is in certain BG’s i mean…is it really the right class to have such a tool on top of all the others they already have? :man_shrugging:

Well, monk has 4 gap closers, warriors sit ranged full time as well. Why? Because of mages. Maybe it would make sense to remove 1-2 of such bs mechanics from mage, so melees have a chance and remove 1-2 gap closers as well to bring both mages and melees in line compared to non mage ranged specs.

removing clash and 1 roll charge would actually be great for getting rid of all those movement disruptions…

rn getting dispelled, roll and in the first 1/3 of roll insta freezed again → tigers lust, 0.2 second refreezed… roll again, ah he blinks, roll over, displacement, clash, shimmer, flying serpent kick, blastwave and bye xD

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This is true, diffuse>rooted insta. Its just frost mages that are really really silly though for that, maybe Hunters a little too

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These forums continue to be a source of brain rot since 2005

Thei idea is that Paladin is so op that you give up on playing any other healer. The nerf just made paladins play Divine Plea and still beat any other healer mana wise.


Simple solution would been to add a diminishing to knockbacks and roots, so after one knockback or root you would have been immune to it for x amount of seconds.

Nerf the mage’s toolkit already; it’s been a decade overdue for a nerf.

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