I don't like Elemental Blast

It just feels so awful to press, in my opinion, compared to the instant cast Earth Shock.

I understand that it’s a great ability, and looks to be even stronger next patch, but I just hate the long cast time to dump maelstrom. Maybe I’m just not sitting with enough haste in the end, but it still just feels bad!

I was also not a big fan, still am not.

Would rather it doing less damage but insta cast.

One of ele shaman core gameplay was to have lots of insta cast abilities through lava burst, and earth shock, elemental blast if far superior to shock in st, but it ha a cast time.

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Exactly, it’s just rather jarring. Earthquake feels so much better as a dump simply because it is instant cast. It has its own downfalls, being location-based and effectively a DoT.

I’d prefer a nerf to EB’s damage if it meant it was instant cast.

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Ele blast with a cast time was fine when it was a builder, but not as a spender.

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