I don't think crafting orders quality will be fixed

So, they created the system where you can get by luck a range between 4 stars - diamond.

After that, they figured out: wait, then if we put at crafting orders guaranteed quality, then everybody won’t craft anymore if they don’t have 100% quality chance, and will ask others for 1g… so => useless system…

And that’s why I think won’t be ever fixed… It needs rethinking. Until now, made 3 orders, two of them came 4 stars, waste of mats. Looks like we need to farm it like Diablo, endless orders until by luck will proc for somebody :wink:

well becouse that how proffesions works, if you want 392 or 405 ilevel, then shure with max out talents and 100/100 skill it is posible to give 5 star guaranted fore that

But 418 gear , professions tools and alot of rank 3 craftalbe reagents or r3 enchants can only be maxt out from inspiration proc or if crafter use ilustrous insight, even if he got max out everythink posible

I know how they works, I was saying why they won’t be fixed like people want.

Anyway, until people will reach deep of tiers, nobody will need that gear anymore :slight_smile: Like every other expansion… People zerg thru content too fast.

I have no problem with how it works.
30-40% chance is quite descent.

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