I drink urine. Hi 2

Read that.

I can’t help you with that. Try google translate, or ask a friend to translate it for you? :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

I’ll admit it was a bit repetitive and jumped a bit here and there, but it was still conveying the meaning. You however seem to struggle with longer paragraphs and specific words.

But ok, to dumb it down for you, Celestalon in that link confirms all the way back from 2014 that the servers did in fact used to batch in 400 ms windows back in the day.

It’s just that the monk who posted the link didn’t understand the implication of ending it with “like that” at the end. I doubt you will either.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

You keep saying it’s irrelevant when you don’t understand something, but that isn’t how it works. :roll_eyes:

Which, according to Celestalon from 2014, is authentic vanilla server behavior. Even he emphasized the extra time it takes for the client’s information to reach the server.

I don’t want to get too deep into the under-the-hood workings of WoW servers, but here’s a super short version. Any action that one unit takes on another different unit used to be processed in batches every 400ms. Some very attentive people may have noticed that healing yourself would give you the health instantly (minus client/server latency), whereas healing another unit would incur a delay of between 0ms and 400ms (again, on top of client/server latency). Same with damaging, applying auras, interrupting, knocking back, etc.

That delay can feel bad just due to the somewhat laggy responsiveness feeling, but also because the state of things can change during that time. For example: Holly the Holy Priest is healing Punky the Brewmaster. Punky spikes low, and Holly hits Guardian Spirit in a panic. The server verifies that Holly is able to cast it, and that Punky is alive (great!). The cast goes off, Guardian Spirit goes on cooldown, and a request is placed for the Guardian Spirit aura (that prevents dying) to be placed on Punky. That request will be filled next time the 400ms timer loops, which happens to be 320ms from now. 250ms later, the boss lands another hit on on Punky. Punky dies. Sadface. Another 70ms goes by, and the Guardian Spirit aura request pops up, and goes “Hey guys, I’m here!.. Aww… damn, I missed the party. Sadface.”

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

The fact that you even need to ask after all of those links is baffling…

You’re fundamentally misunderstanding the way spell batching works. It’s like you only see things in absolutes. “There must be a question for it to be addressed, even though it’s relevant to the topic itself!”

Spell batching explains what you think is a bug, and according to Celestalon from back then is even authentic Vanilla behavior. What’s so hard to understand?

You’re literally complaining about something actually following the reference client settings.

Scroll up and read. And check yourself into a rehab. I know trolling can be fun when you’re high. :roll_eyes:

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

You’re so far off the deep end into the nonsensical land, that I’ll just advise people curious about the topic to read what’s posted further up instead and just ignore you from now on.

Have fun trolling someone else.

byebyee …

Go to school. Learn to read. Learn English. Learn to think. You’re incompetent in all of those areas.

Vocational training exist for people like you.

Spellbatching window is too wide. It also is clunky because the devs didn’t investigate which abilities that were instant instant and which weren’t.

Leeway is completely wrong.

anyone else remember going behind an enemy player while they were casting and their cast failing if u juked them right enough? remember casters being interruptable if u hit kick after 50% of their cast?
bootystab remembers

Thanks for the tip

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