I feel like warbands aren't helpful for me. Is anyone else the same?

I normally play one main and no alts and have done so since 2004 but with the introduction of warbands I thought cool they’ve made it so I can have alts and it still be convenient. So, I levelled four level 80s in total during early access.

However, after understanding the system a bit and doing what’s necessary I realised valorstones, keys, honor gear and crests don’t share which means to play seriously and have meta on all chars I’d have to say farm PVP gear on all of them and do weeklies x4 a week for valorstones, keys and crests.

Is there something I’m missing here? Warbands aren’t having the affect I feel I was sold.

I’ve now just gone back to playing one character and I regret wasting time levelling four characters to level 80.

Please tell me something I don’t know.

honour is transferable via the currency UI. I geared my hunter entirely by transfering honour off my warrior.

crest and valorstones are discounted for your whole warband by upgrading stuff on one character.

keys aren’t shareable no, but thats a good thing imo. i don’t want to do a daily 12 times to farm key fragments for my main.

yes - the warband system isn’t designed to replace anything you do on an alt. it just eliminates the boring stuff like farming renown while massively speeding up the gearing/upgrading process. my priest had something like 31 minutes played and was 571 ilvl when it dinged because of warbound gear.

the system will never be a ‘i play my main and then blink and now i have a fully geared, equally as powerful alt’ - it shouldn’t be that either.

Thank you for your really helpful reply. I wasn’t aware I could transfer honor and that stones and crests were discounted. I understand keys being transferable would have that affect you mentioned which defo wouldn’t be good for the game.

I now feel a bit different about it all but still idk if I wanna farm 4 keys x 4 a week :slight_smile: but if i think about it maybe I do!

you will get tired of your main eventually and when you do it means your alts have a bunch of benefits. they wont be as strong as your main but they will be slingshotted and able to catch up fast.

I have found them very useful so far. Instead of having to level my main and then do all the side quests on her, I could just do them on alts. So they earnt all the renown for me.

I also get to share currency. When I reach a certain renown it’s not a case that only my main has access to the quartermaster.

The warbank is great too, apart from stupid work orders, I can deposit all materials in there and all chars can craft from them.

Warbands in-game are useful.

Warbands on my character creation screen are the biggest loading wait times, I’ve ever had.

Yeah there’s no denying all of that is useful. There are a lot of benefits to warbands. However, I just had the idea that in terms of gear I wouldn’t have to play my alts unless I wanted to and they’d be as good as my main from what I do on my main.

Very useful when it comes to crafting, I got a bunch of alts that are just gatherers so they can now just dump everything into the warbank and my crafters can use that. Saves time mailing things. Same with profession equipment, can just put them there for my alts to pick up.

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They often need mats from other professions as well

It’s useful for me for transferring gold and items between servers. I’ve been buying recipes, bags, and profession tools on other servers where they were substantially cheaper than on my server.

Besides that, it’s just extra space. Would be more useful if all characters could access the reagents in the warbank when crafting.

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You only have to spend crests once on an account then it’s valorstones for all upgrades for all chars.
And valorstoens are quite easy to obtain, Still odd tho.

Is your PC 10 years old by any chance?

No, it’s only 4 years old. Everything else in-game runs smoothly, just the Warband log-in which takes forever to load.

Warbands will be helpful to everyone eventually, most people change mains from time to time, I’ve had 2 mains since I started playing, I don’t really bother with “alts” though I created a couple to help people level, so I could level with them.

It will still benefit me though, as if I change mains again for balance or some reason in Midnight, it’s trivial to enjoy everything I’ve unlocked on my new main, without having to do it again.