I feel stuck, want to progress to rated bgs but won't PvE

Do we know if SL vendor will sell competitive gear for rated, if grind the currency in unrated?

I’d expect Blizz to still keep unrated and rated separate like in BfA. My problem r now is, my unrated PvP gear is not usable in rated. Would that be any different in SL, even with a vendor? Maybe we don’t know yet.

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The point is , bfa pvp gearing is rng. After every arena win you might get the item you need. You might not get as well.

With vendors you will exchange conquest with the gear you want.

And yes rated pvp gear and random bg gear will be different.

But there wont be 280k hp - 520k hp difference anymore on bgs if u just random bg.

It wil be like 400k-520k hp range difference whar they mention.

Hmm, sounds like an improvement at least. Thx for info. Will maybe reduce barrier to entry going from unrated bg to rated bg, via bg PvP.

Since PvP is a competition between players, I don’t see any reason for ‘excessive’ power differences in gear. Unless the gear level is part of the matchmaking. Imo rated should be more about the matchmaking and less about the gear.


is this really confirmed???

Yes it is mate

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honestly wtf… i play bgs and poeple have double my hp and i get 2 shotted
how is this fun or even fair ?!
this is the most frustrating thing ever

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pls fix your matchmaking based on gear :slight_smile:

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