I foresee many Boost Groups - M+ rewards Season 4

As much as I hate to say, but I’ve exhausted all my gold stashes and will probably boost a couple of people.

This is a perfect opportunity to make gold.

It is very ugly, but themed to the patch. I will aim to collect but not ride it :rofl:

You vastly overestimate how many mythics one will do. A lot of people will replace their gear quickly, yes. But they’re still going to be a minority. All the casual people who didn’t even bother with m+ in BfA at all, will not replace their gear that fast.

As such, for them, getting some S3 gear isn’t pointless.

I’ll help you out my fellow draenor player.

a step in right direction! now replace mount with a transmog vendor (like in pandaria and wod) and m+ is almost perfect.

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440 ilvl is basic now?! What the hell did I miss… I guess I won’t be getting that mount then

If you want to do +15s in time you have to know your class really well and then you have to learn every single mechanic in the dungeon as most will 1shot you on +15. It’s nice to see blizzard finally wants to reward people who put more effort into the game.

mind if i pay with exposure?

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This is good for those which have nice groups for m+, mainly mythic raiders, for the others this will be a pain to get.

Could’ve introduced a more appealing mount than that worm-creature.

Well there are recolors of it available from other stuff so I wouldn’t say exactly unique. But it is still nice ^^

I never run a mytic plus in bfa. But i think is just for ppl doin these on regular mode to have somethin unique.
The only concern is about boosters. This will make them richer.

440 is what you get from a current +10 cache, so if you’ve geared from that this season you’ll be around 440, and thus in a far better position when next season drops than if you’re 415 lfr geared.

415 was mythic, 425 max tf last season, which is pretty basic gear now, so it’ll be similar situation next season.

If there will be a demand, then there will be a supply. It comes pretty much naturally…

I imagine many boost groups are happy with this news because it will certainly create more demand.

I’ll finally get my Longboi :cowboy_hat_face:

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So basically you time all dungeons in +15 and you get to ride a roundworm with teeth.


Not the most elegant reward, but I won’t say no.

I’d rather have the rewards switched, so that the title is the more prestigious reward though, like Gladiators.

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I think they could have come up with a nicer mount but it’s a start

Only thing ion like about it : (

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