this rng is very toxic for an anniversary and bosses just 1 shot me. like w… is this design
Why are you even doing them? Other than one for the AV to get the bird I don’t think they are required.
Bigger question is: Why is he soloing them
Their scaling is completely off, like Azuregos where he teleports people to him and freezes you in place to take 2m DoT damage per tick… or that Dragon in Hinterlands with them Shadow Orbs with unavoidable massive AoE damage…
People do them for Transmogs. Lord Kazzak drops a new pet, and has a neat necklace that adds fire damage to auto attacks.
It’s a scaling thing. By trying to make everything scale they caused all scaling to go completely off the rails.
That two pixel classic stuff? Well, I’m sorry for them, then… bad scaling is a bane to the whole game.
Aha. I did not know this. Thanks
Edit: Ok… that’s just too funny.
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