I got disconnect while i was in combat with a green mob at full health, reconnected dead in HC mode, what should i do?
Delete character and go agene
There´s nothing you can do except to accept the fact that you died in HC, no matter what the reason was , and the only thing you can do is start over, or transfer the toon to a non-hc realm and continue to play there.
You explicitly agreed to these terms on character creation.
HC Character creation warning: https://imgur.com/a/xVZ50o5
create a new char.
go agane.
when the addon was around you could actually appeal those kinda of deaths ,and blizz , 400 million company don’t bother to help
It amazes me that people complain about this over a year in official HC. It’s like a free game you get with your retail subscription and other than change 2 quests blizz wont assign any resources to it. If you die you’re dead. I agree dc deaths are probably the worst but you know it comes with the territory.
Same as PoE HC, no appeals.
Disconnect is actually your fault, you must think 3 steps ahead.
You must have super stable internet, or or other PC/Laptop with different internet connection, that ready for log in (witout addons and log befoure so you log in super fast) with the e-mail and password entered so you only press Enter. I do it like this when leveled. I leveled 3 rogues to 60 in HC already.
People sometimes forgot that HC is for freaks.
My phone is open as a hotspot, in 2 clicks I am connected to it
for you maybe ,i wont be subbed if not for HC
Totaly agree. I also only sub to play Era/HC - and I am quite pissed that Blizz did not implement any kind of DC protection in HC. Not least because they have talked about it - I won’t say they promised, but almost.
No not for me, for Blizz. I only play hc and now anniversery to go through TBC again.
Your comment suggested otherwise ,and blizz would never implemented HC or classic if that didn’t brought new subs ,fact is if not for nostalgia and it massive community classic would never exist
Oh it brought in loads of subs, with minimal effort, that is where the money is. And people may complain but they keep playing. Now if a large number of players would cancel their sub with reason no DC protection they might consider it more. Vote with your wallet it’s the only voice they hear
on the other hand, my subscription only exist because of HC. So, is Retail my “free Game”? This argue is b/s.
“free game btw” - Retail player
Please surrender all your life savings to the government because you are really bad with money.