I got Permaban for no reason

Actually I was thinking the same thing, I haven’t spoken to her for a while as my last website was re-created in 2017, I remember making some additions to that to be GDPR compliant.

Hmm as regards the reply the OP received, it clearly states that it was to do with RMT which is legitimate, when it comes to layer hopping as it is included in-game to mitigate overcrowded servers, I am not so sure, if it was a major concern there would have been widespread bans for everyone involved starting with the speedrunners, this has not happened … yet, and it is supposed to be removed come phase 2 whereas RMT is real continuing problem for many MMORPG type games.

At the end of the day we just need to see the result of the OP’s ticket if the OP chooses to share that with us.

I will, but for the moment, i got zero response from game master.

Maybe tomorrow.

I am sorry, I completely misread your sentence, first of all we have this :-

If you noticed rule 17 is constantly being broken

And then this bit to do with monitoring:-

Oh, the facebook lawyers have arrived.

I actually think that Blizzard has a much more competent legal team, than any facebook lawyer.

Oh Trovlak

I am just quoting from the Blizzard TOS, please take your toxic comments elsewhere

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And this part:-

Its a free forum, I will post wherever, and whatever I want. You have two choices, like it, or lump it.

In fact you’re the one thats a bit toxic imo, by thinking you can interpret the ToS better than the lawyers who wrote it, lol.

I am not interpreting anything, when I said quote I mean as in actual copy and paste directly from Blizzard’s TOS, or to be precise their EULA.

I should also add that this is not a free forum, it is Blizzard’s forum, you use it with their permission, in order to use it you have to agree to certain rules which they clearly state, and it is a pretty good guess that the rules for this forum will have been written by the same legal team that wrote the EULA, if you break any of these rules, they have the right to warn, suspend or ban you or anyone else from this forum, please keep that in mind, I always do.

Looks like I was right. “for no reason”

Fair enough mate. Goodluck with your appeal, if you did nothing i hope you get unbanned.

Yes you are correct in that they don’t have to state a reason, however they usually do include some kind of explanation.

They just failed hard that’s all. I know at least 5 people now who got banned for no reason, and half unbanned already…

Seems like some detection software ducked up, or was bit overtuned… All happend yesterday

This happened to me in the game also. Some third person comes into a dialogue as a “community police” and blames the sides for being “toxic”. It is obviously 2 people can not have a discussion over the borders. We are all here individuals and free to give our opinions, if you think I am toxic then all you need is to ignore me, if I go over the line then you will “report” me.

But I have neither been accused of my actions nor what I said interpreted as toxic even from my own mother for the last 40 years. Forums are open locals there people can freely discuss their opinions, just because you have no tolerance or have different opinion or dislike where the conversation goes, you have no rights to be the community police.

I am deeply, honestly upset many people using this “toxic” word very often and putting some people who does not deserve it at the same place with some sick individuals. Next time before making some accusations of some individuals being toxic, think twice, thank you.

You are quite right, I was not trying to be the community police, I promise, you did make a comment about facebook solicitors which quite frankly I did not understand and of course people are entitled to their opinions, I have just seen so many people launching direct personal attacks against other people just because they happen to have a different view, all over the forums. I always try not to do that personally and of course I meant no offense toward you, anyway with regard this thread I hope that Eldri does get his or her account back if it was a mistake.

In Europe we have quite severe customer protection in place. I know for a fact that such a clause is against the law in NL.

No clue under what laws they fall completely, but it is not as simple as “it is in the EULA, thus it is true”, still has to be within the boundaries of the Law.

They don’t really seem to follow the GDPR guidelines either when it comes to automated decision making and profiling.

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The same rules also apply here in the UK

Hey all,

Going to lock this thread here, as we do not discuss account actions here on the Support Forum. If you do want to discuss this further, please use the General Discussion forum.

I can see you have a ticket open to appeal this at the moment, this is the right thing to do to receive a further investigation into the account action. Do note that we will not be able to discuss or look into any account actions here on the forum

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!