I got scammed by Blizzard when leveling enchanting

What’s with this talent “Insight of the Blue” that “allows” you to locate mystic items. If you read what it says, you can stack like 65% chance to locate mystical item, but that statement is pure lie, I’m assuming it was nerfed quite hard at some point.
But what the hell, why doesn’t it state the real chance it gives? It’s what, probably 0.01% per point and not 1%, and it gives you a TOTAL 0.65% chance at 50 points, which none of the guides state obviously, since no one bothers to update them.

I feel scammed, I want my knowledge points back.

These profession talents trees are being frustrating across 3 chars, we need to have an ability to reset profession talents, at least once a month.

Yeh, it’s a pretty low chance. But tbh, it just ends up cluttering up your bags anyway.

This is the sort of talent you put your points in at the end, rather than at the start.

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