I hadnt played dragonflight at all and I just bought war withing expansion with character boost to level 70. After I boost my character from SL to level 70, can I start campaign of dragonflight from begining, cos I cant figured out where are starter quest at all right now? Have they been skipped forever on my character or their is a way to start them?
The starting quests for Dragonflight are located near the Deathwing’s “death trophy” and the Cataclysm portals in Orgrimmar.
You can go there and check if it’s available.
But it’s likely been skipped for the boosted character, yes.
had the same issue, just check your questlog, it will tell you which quest to pick under “dragonflight” as this is the first campain. Then “Embers of Neltharion” seems to be the 10.1 campain followed soon by 'The Emerald Dream" Hope this helps, I just reactivated after 4 years
I boosted an alt to 70 with the enhanced boost and it was automatically given a quest and the log had a heap of campaign quests to be picked up by visiting various people. Again the problem with campaigns and questing in WoW is it chucks so much at you that it is hard to actually know the order in which to do the stuff.
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