I hate Suramar... at the moment

What’s the point of all these people telling others they should unsubscribe if they have a different opinion? It’s getting old.


You’re trying to do a whole expansion worth of story in one go, that’s the problem not the questing.

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That can be said with these exact same kind of Complains to.

Irony at it’s finest.

I loved Suramar the place kept me busy for almost half the expansion but then again i am not a raider and stuff like Suramar is something i would very much like to see more in this game. Open world stuff with lots to explore and quest.

Suramar became the best zone ever after there was no more time gating and you could do the questline on one sitting before that it was annoying as i hate to be continued crap.

The story was great.
The city looked great.

But, questing through it the first time was a times really horrible. I still remember corpse dragging myself through a bunch of quests.
Always meant to go do it again with flying but never have. The fact that it was max level zone meant you got little or no xp there, as you were either at max level or questing in a legacy expansion. Not sure if chromie time means you can actually quest there and get xp…

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I really enjoyed Suramar and the quest lines. I did have some guildies who hated the place with a passion and the raid because it just seemed a continuation.

I’m just so disappointed they never did anything with the place as a hub for the Nighborne, or indeed any of the other Allied Race starting hubs.

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I really enjoyed Suramar. But, my, that was a REALLY long quest line. The only annoyance for me was that you would hit points in the quest line required you complete a certain number of World Quests… where if you had already done your World Quests that day, it meant you had to wait another day before carrying on with the quest line.

I mean fair enough. I’m just stating that based on what the OP said, it seems like the fact Suramar has become a place he dislikes is due to burnout which is caused by the reasons I stated. People are different though and some might prefer to just go at it in one sitting.

If you think it’s long now, blasting through it at a higher level with no gating on the quests, you wouldn’t have enjoyed it back in Legion.

I personally enjoyed it. Suramar is the only real city in the whole game. Other cities are barely a hamlet.


Loved the Suramar storyline, easily the best designed zone in the game although Stormheim was awesome too.

No pain no gain, case closed.

Bad location, bad race and the quest line is the worst ever. Thankfully never again.
I forgot that amazing RNG in scenario for artifact skins too. And revered rep on every char I want to complete BoP.

Gorgeous Zone, same old dog :poop: quest design that i have despised since forever.

I’ve tried a few times, I can do a lot of stuff, that some people find tedious, with no issues, but I couldn’t make myself finish Suramar when it was current content.
I haven’t raided since WotLK, firstly due to family reasons (no time) and then I stopped doing dungeons etc. because I started to detest healing (I started as a mage a really long time ago, switched to a shaman, then a boomkin during Burning Crusade and went Dwarf Holydin during WotLK until I switched again to hunter, so I can eventually do more content again now I don’t have to heal. Not ready to inflict myself on people yet though!).

I love the aesthetic of Suramar and Suramar City, but the early quests are not a lot of fun. I enjoyed the story, and I’ve actually enjoyed doing Insurrection (Nightborn unlocked… yay! Only zandalari trolls left out of all the allied races!). If the First half of the Suramar storyline (The Sumaritan achi) had been as good as the Insurrection portion, I probably would have finished it when it was current.

As for ‘the game might not be for me’. They may be right. It was many moons ago, but I’m older (15-16 years older, started early 2006) now and I just enjoy pootling about, mostly doing older content because I can’t promise I have time for a raid etc. Perhaps when the mini is older, if I’m still playing.

-An illusion! What are you hiding?!


No flying at start is always challenging but gotta admit it really made this city look vibrant and mysterious when you are down on the ground. Not that flying took away from it after but it almost feels like the wow team designed a different (kinda better) version of the game when it came to this zone.

Not sure if Revendreth, clearly being modelled after it, captured the same vibe but this could also be down to the richer lore that elves could pull off over the SL factions that are brand new.

It was ok. Didn’t find the story that exciting.
Not that into elf stuff.
Kinda annoyed at it being timegated since I’d rather get it over with.
Nothing I’d do twice.

With how sparse solo content is atm and how utterly underwhelming covenant ‘campaigns’ are in SL I sure do miss entering the zone back in legion

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