I can understand torghast concept if the runs were to take ~10 minutes tops. You are not wasting too much time on it and you have incentive to try multiple times with better rng.
I’m rather frustrated after my second attempt on solo 6. I just spend two hours on one run, to be destroyed by the boss at the end of it, and guess what I got for spending TWO HOURS of my time, trying to do the content? Middle finger right in my face…
I run it as blood dk and usually get crap powers, but explain to me please. How is that possible that the end boss is hitting so hard, that I have to pop everything I got to survive and I’m still at 10% hp entire fight? I managed to get him to around 20%, but it’s constant fight just to survive.
Why the end boss is so overpowered compared to the entire dungeon?
Can’t you design it so if the player enters first level he gets to know how difficult it’s gonna be? If, I’d get killed during the first minutes, I would know that it’s too high for me and decide that it’s too early to try it.
Why you let players climb the entire tower just to get nuked in the very end (yes, I’ve read tacts before attempting boss and was prepared)?
If it was ten minutes, I wouldn’t be that angry, but wasting two hours just to get nothing? To raise those player commitment bars? GG blizz.
I’m rather disappointed and can’t understand people saying it’s fun mode. There is no fun in getting screwed over and ending up with nothing after committing so much time. Not expecting to be handed everything but can’t you spread the difficulty evenly through entire run? It was different with visions because you could feel what you can do and calculated your runs accordingly.
Some wise people might say git gud or try again till you succeed… The answer is pretty simple. There is no incentive to waste so much time on a single thing which is not fun, not engaging and thinking about thorgast makes we wanna throw up. But of course there is soul ash so I MUST do it…
When I first heard about the thorgast I thought it was something like rifts from diablo. Quick runs, burning through trash, getting overpowered stuff that makes you go even faster (which would be super fun!), but it’s nothing like that! It drags forever and you get nothing in the end…
Another thing. I was helping few people to max out torghast last week and guess what I got out of it? Yes, NOTHING. There is no incentive to help others with it because you get nothing, unless you sell runs…
I feel like, everything that could be wrong with it, is wrong, and that developers tried extra hard to make it last as long as possible and of course make you feel obliged to do it.
Sorry for the post being all over the place, but I had to make this rant.
sorry i didn’t bother to read all that, but i know that it’s complaining about torghast
waste of time doing torghast
Yes actually like a lot of the classes who are able to blast through it.
Also solo is easier than 3 man probably. Solo easier than duo atleast.
Sure as hell should never take 2 hrs without breaks even with bad anima powers. Especially since this is mandatory.
Haha Torgast is ok but the maw. Man the maw is terrible.
Take the no mount issue (yeah I know that once you clear like lvl 8 Torgast you can get one) it’s dire. Navigating the maw is painful. The mobs are mildly annoying to damn frustrating.
Ven’ari quest are dull and repetitive. You can die which is good but it’s usually to something obtuse and annoying not just skill check fail.
It looked good in the intro but now you spend most of it in a cave…just missed the mark for me completely which is a shame as everything else in SL has been very very good. Does feel like the last bit to get worked on
Just saying ppl that are struggling with Torghast. The concept of it is not going glass cannon, but rather take ever buff you can get that boosts your survivability, damage reduction, healing, etc etc instead of getting those extra crit and damage boosts… I’ve been breezing trough Torghast (died a couple of time but never failed a layer/floor) and my skill has a player is Average, but i 'm 100% certain that i’m choosing the best Anima powers for it, which helps me alot.
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
I just do not care if anyone hates it but
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
I love the maw, and torghast
Because for some reason blizzard loves to gut out classes and give back fun stuff by doing boring chore like activities like torghast.
I wouldn’t mind torghast if the powers i get in there would be more balanced out but the way its all about RNG is just total BS.
Like yesterday i did my first layer 4 and it was easier than layer 1 because the powers i got in that run gave me the mist that prevents boss from doing anything ranged so i killed the tree guy by running away from him spamming scorch while tossing proc pyroblasts.
The boss had no chance i took no damage at all from him it was just idiotic when the non elites before him made more damage.
And the reward from this chore was 100 ash you need 3500 for the next legendary oh joy and frost spec legendary when i am not even playing that snooze fest of a spec.
That’s actually the thing i like in Torghast, the randomness of it… makes it feel different from everything else in WoW. I just would like for it to be more centered on bosses, and less on trash mobs. Like 1 final boss per floor, which would “save” your progress.
My problem of torghast is not really the difficulty but that its just boring i hate clearing up trash not in layer 1 or 2 when trash is just trash that almost clears itself but after layer 3 the mobs become too sponge like.
Also the other problem are the anima powers that range from utter crap to god like powers that make the whole place just a big joke. Feels like there is no middle ground at all in those which granted is very blizzard like.
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I HATE the Maw, and Torghast.
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Like;… The game did almost die in BFA… litterally… All time low subs… even lower then origina release./… ?
Most people have 1-2 hours per day to play a game.
Why shouhld we waste doing maw and thorgast if our main progressiokn is finding m+ to porgress gear to raid.
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You have to do torghast anyway until lego rank 4. And Maw is also being done for raids if youre after the sockets.
And another flaw.
They shouhld of just ya know use covenant for that.
Isnt the maw like 80٪ optional. Theres a couple of quests to do for renown but nothing crazy
I’m sure you have a source with official numbers to back this statement?
Ye we can sort of agree on that. However the covenants are also badly designed in terms of progression given we are sitting on an abundance of anima while lacking souls. Just like in the maw we are sitting of an abundance of Stygia while lacking rep.
Like, why do you assume I have to post a source when google is your friend.
Torghast on paper is a really great idea and sounds really fun. Unfortunately in reality it is poorly designed, poorly balanced, lacks reward or purpose to do and is generally a boring experience.
I ran layer 6 last night. It took 1 hour. There was no challenge, I didn’t die, I got a little annoyed with constantly being feared because that’s the only challenging mechanic Blizzard could come up with.
I received 50 ash as a reward for completing it.
I would love to be running Torghast as a challenge in groups over and over, but it just doesn’t have any reward or challenge to it.
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I despise the maw, I never go there unless I need to do weeklies/hunts.
Torghast I kinda like, but RNG can really screw you over with what powers are offered to you.
Got a tip for ya guys about torghast: if you reach ambivalent with Venari and buy the buffer for 3.7k stgyia(the one that consumes 100 phantasma to give you a buff), the buff actually STAYS after you leave your run.
That means you can use the buff right before the final boss of a run, then have it on for most of the time for your next run!