I hate the maw and torghast

You made the claim, I expect you to back it up.

i hate the maw more than torghast.

The maw is purely there to do dailies to grind ve’nari rep. And ve’nari only is there to uprade torghast. Made slower by not being able to use mounts there and even the teleport system you can unlock there is pretty terrible to get around.

Atleast torghast can be fun if you get good anima powers, but at the same time extremely frustrating when you waste your time because of horrible anima powers at higher layers

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I hate the maw, and torghast

I only wanted the Artisan mark and the legendaries, not doing long as hell runs in Torghast and boring dailies without a mount

You are interested in my claim.

I am not posting links untill you google.

Its litterally 1 synomym and two words. Stop being lazy.

I completely agree each class should have strong powers since the whole point of these powers is to bring all classes’s soloing ability to the same level without breaking them in the rest of the game.
What I don’t agree with are the brainless rants about NeRf ToRgHasT or the players who pretend it’s boring or grindy and demand it to be removed because
A: they’re bad
B: their powers are garbage

blizzard’s plan was that people can adapt and then speedrun torghast without having to kill every single NPC in the lower layers. right now only certain classes can do that and obviously this wasn’t their intention. every week they’re making tons of changes to the game and we’re currently in what, week 3 of the expansion? maybe people should realize blizzard isn’t trying to intentionally screw them over and have some patience

Personally I don’t want it to be needed but I would like that the place was more fun because most of the times the powers I get are just boring.

I don’t care for the maw so far, but maybe I will in the future, I didn’t grind it much.

I like Torghast. It can be unfun due to RNG in anima powers (ie, in some of my runs I kept getting nonsense that didn’t buff me much at all), but that’s tolerable.

As an undergeared squishy I’m still enjoying it. I’ve had 3 appalling runs: 1 in Mort’regar where I struggled through to the boss in 2.5 hours only for it to absolutely steamroller me every single attempt, 1 where the floor 5 boss permanently evaded and 1 where my 23 powers were so terrible that although I DID complete the layer it was like pulling teeth (waiting for a couple of 3-5 min cooldowns to finish every large pack from floor 4 onwards is soul-destroying).

However, I’ve had a few great runs too - one where due to very good powers I was functionally immortal and minced the layer boss in 30 seconds while he did zero damage.

At this point my only tweak would be to make the powers a little less random further up. Maybe re-balance the split between powers that drop as opposed to powers you buy? It would be nice if come floor 5 I had more options to fight the RNG by spending phantasma (or perhaps soul ash if necessary: I’d drop 100 soul ash on an anima power to counter RNG if it meant I had a shot at the boss rather than waste 2 hours of grinding through the floors for nothing).

I don’t mind Torghast, it’s ok when you’re doing it with someone. Don’t care for The Maw one bit though.

After having done 4 Torghast runs this week and having 1 left to go, I really, really don’t want to see that place again for a few weeks.

Why did you make it mandatory to do this 4 times a week? Wasn’t 1 layer per week enough? I muuuuuuuuuuuch rather fish/grind mobs for meat instead of going back in there, because at least that is useful.

Torghast was supposed to be something fun, but you completely ruined it by making it an unrewarding slug fest that you have to do to scrape every bit of soul ash together.


4 LAYERS this week of that S*** was terrible i almost killed myself after
I play since 2005 so i have all the rights to tell that Thorgast is dogsht
My english is trash but less trash than Thorgast


Absolutely agree. Torghast is a lot more fun than the Maw, but I find it drags on and is subject to far more RnG than I would ever be happy with.

The Maw, however, is an absolutely miserable experience with literally zero enjoyable bits. I can honestly say that I have not enjoyed a single second of my time in The Maw so far, including the tedious (on-rails) intro quest at the start of the expansion.

Even with the QoL items like the speed/invis potion (on a 5 min cooldown
 wtf?), the grappling hook and the teleports it is still phenomenally boring slogging across the place on foot. I mean, it’s not even challenging. It’s just boring and unnecessarily time consuming for no good reason, beyond someone trying to pad out metrics for players time logged into the game.

The Maw makes me not want to bother logging in, if I am honest. And since Cyberpunk was released, I have spent about an hour and a half in WoW, and I don’t miss it one bit. So if anything kills my sub this expansion, it will be The Maw.


The Maw is so annoying and not amusing at all. Feels like a daily burden to venture there every day

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The Maw needs more cool rewards.

The game will Probably die faster than the corona thing.
With uber broken pvp that looks like from a private server to mandatory farm.

I don’t even go to the Maw.
Torghast? 1 hour, every week. Meh.

I like both.

Both could do with being expanded upon however!

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

I like both the Maw and Torghast.

Hope I got that right OP.

HEY BLIZZARD, SOME OF US LIKE THE MAW AND TORGHAST KEEP IT UP :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Torghast is fun - best thing about it is /1 chat channel. Feels like new barren chat.

i hate the maw, and torghast

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