On my Paladin (Schfartzkoph, Magtheridon EU Alliance) I have managed to finally get the “https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=11744/drop-dead-gorgeous” which means, for you plate wearers, I can craft “https://www.wowhead.com/spell=414567/undeath-metal” which is needed to combine with Righteous Orbs, and a Lamented item - be it a helm, or bracer etc to get a T3 for that item - so as a Paladin, it gave me Redemption. I am in the process of getting the Cloth/Leather and Mail Patterns too - I don’t ask for a commission fee, as you’re going to spend a lot on “https://www.wowhead.com/item=206579/phylacterweave” - these cost 2k each from a vendor, but they are warband tradable, and you can get them for free, it’s just a different currency.
I shall check the forums 3-4 times a week or so, usually around the 1-2am mark, but if anyone is interested, you can find me on the previously mentioned server - only exception would be the Leather/Mail when I get round to it, as that is on Draenor Horde - the Cloth will also be on Magtheridon as the username that posts this post (eventually, but I will update)
Happy trails!