I have never had such a long queue for headless horseman

it does matter if the number of player is less than 5 though…

which can happen and has happened in the past to me at silly times in the morning when i should be sleeping .

if there isn’t enough people to run a single dungeon then the queue is also longer.

i agree on the role distribution front but that is the same in all mmorpg… people want to be the damage classes … its just the natural first pick…

people generally only pick tanks for fast queues or if they are playing with friends usually…

OR healer… and sry if this sounds sexist… but people who pick to play healer first in a mmorpg are usually female from experience.

Wow 3-4 minutes. Thats sooooo long. Irony off. Dude get a life

The problem with this and the other seasonal instanced bosses is that, mostly, you don’t need a tank and a healer. If most people are highish level, they can cope without. Any 5 players would make queues almost instant.


I wonder if the amount of people who have the mount might be a factor too.

I got it the year it was put in so haven’t had any reason to do it since - then there was the year they over buffed it and they dropped like candy, then they nerfed it again.

I’m comparison it’s not like the Love Rocket in terms of rareness/desirability.

Unless they’ve added anything new a large portion of players aren’t going to bother.

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Queues less than 30 seconds again this morning/early afternoon (done it on 8 characters for the xp to slowly level them). All Dps - Horde

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I understand you OP, I waited 3 minutes in the queue and it’s just outrageous that I had to spend so long wasting time.

I sent a strongly worded email to the management of this game about the inconvenience!



Then don’t play DPS, simple as.

Welcome to the life of pretty much literally any dps in general for LFD stuff.

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Me too.
I was doing the Stink Bomb quest as the Dungeon Invite popped. I’d queued just before picking up this quest on my paladin alt.

Current waiting for pvp tag to wear off so I can ress. Damn this tagging for doing a quest to fly around dropping bombs…

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it’s 2021 just queue as a tank or a healer and get an instant queue.

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