I have small quest about MoP Remix

Sorry, My english dont great. Hard understand what Blizzard made this

Do MoP Remix replace on Plunderstorm?
Or I need log in MoP’s server like Classic server?

Also I worried if addons dont work with MoP Remix

MoP remix is different to Plunderstorm, but Plunderstorm does have an end date now. Plunderstorm is standalone.

MoP Remix you will create a character on your realm (or realm of choice) for Remix. When the event ends it will just become a regular character on your realm. It will have an icon next to it to indicate you’re doing Remix on it.

Creating Your New Identity

Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®:The War Within. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

From the realm Character Selection screen, players will be given the option to create a new WoW Remix character, beginning at level 10, which will only be able to play with characters taking part in the event.

Characters in the selection screen which are only available to play in the World of Warcraft Remix event will have an icon next to the character name so they can easily be identified when choosing which mode of World of Warcraft you intend to play through.

Once you’ve created your character, you’ll begin your new journey in the Timeless Isle and meet up with the infinite dragonflight and Eternus who will set you on your path.

So basically you need to have a character slot free on Retail (you will not need the latest expansion to access Remix).

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Plunderstorm goes away on 1st of May. It might come back in the future, we don’t know.
MOP Remix will be similar to Plunderstorm in so far as it is in the current retail game not a separate client like Classic.
AddOns won’t work there as it is not our Azeroth that we normally play in.
You create a new character that only lives in the Remix version until at some point you transfer this to current Retail Live normal Azeroth. Not sure if you have to be Max Level or if the even has to have finished or gone for a certain time before this transfer happens.

Sorry but that is not true from what I know.

MOP remix is in retail servers, and while the characters are locked in a certain phase, all other functionality remains. Meaning your normal addons, joining your retail guild, and so on.

There is no transfer involved. You will create the character in a retail realm. All that is happening at the end, is that the “remix” tag will be removed from that character, along with the remix gear/power, and you will be able to continue on TWW.


For a smaller explanation:

  • MoP Remix is separate to Plunderstorm. Both are time limited events. Plunderstorm finishes soon, Remix starts later.
  • No. You log into your current server.
  • Nobody knows about addons but as it is in the same game mode, I think they should work :dracthyr_shrug: