I have to farm PVE Instance to do PVP? ROFL

Remember back in the day like MOP when PVPers would log in and just queue BGS? get gear with honor and improve in arenas, do PVP dailies? Now in order to PVP I must do an abysmal amount of PVE and story content, then I must farm a dumb instance for corruption 700X times, then I must farm other dungeons to get gear in the hopes of getting the right corruption :laughing: amazing content for PVPers


I just avoid PvE completely, having lottsa PvP fun hehe! But, I don’t do rated much I guess.

welcome to BFA.
Shadowlands will be the same garbage

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In mop I was forced to do some shait BG for my PVE back. Now I must get shiet PVP rank for bis essence.

Ye win two BG and be done with it for a single item, and ppl still for some reason bringing it up like if it was something so horrible…
If it was so horrible for you …now imagine pvp players that have to spent all day long for months in pve to get every single piece of gear from there.

People argued about pvp power gear and no baseline ilvl for bgs.

Now thanks to these people we have to pve for months unless we buy boosts, have to wish we dont have 100k life people in our bg and have to die to corruptions.

The pvp community seems to not know what they want.

I LIKED when there was a bae ilvl in bgs, everyone had a fair chance. I guess its the premaders who got mad that they had to deal with people fighting back and put pressure against the pvp team.

I saw ABSOLUTELY no problems with this. Pvp should be pvp, if they want gear to matter they should do raids instead. I seriously want this back. Instead of seeing this mess of a pvp where corruptions ruins the pvp and gets nerfed. I have met versa dh and destro warlocks and that is enough for me to get really sad about those who took away the pvp scaling with trinkets and effect off. It makes me go in tears.

I just came back and pretty much all I’m doing is going to nazjatar and mechagon to get it revered so I can get flying. When i do those dailies and WQs my game time is already done for the day.

Hope this is done soon so i can try to farm some gear… but yeah, I’m so focused in pve stuff while I actually just want to pvp mainly


You got no idea, it took over 2 month of farming essences,and corruption before I could start to play the game lol. What a joke bring back the days where we got gear with honor and enjoyed playing the game.

most fun i had in WoW…
damn those were good times, i basically only pvped and did transmog runs


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