I have to play Kyrian and I hate it

nah, you don’t have to choose anything. you just chose to be a meta slave. :wink:


No, you don’t have to :slight_smile:

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Or you could just not be a meta tryhard and go for the one that appeals to you.


Pick one you like.

They will be re-balanced and re-balanced again. Better to have a cool but weak than boring and weak.


That’s what I decided on in the end. :slight_smile: The old Goth in me screamed out to this place.

Yup, meaning I gotta go Kyrian on half of my toons ._.

In PvP you have the same problem with Venthyr and Necrolords on casters.

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Just echoing in.

I want to play necrolord because of the theme and i LOVE the transmog options.
This is the faction i believe my character would join in the afterlife and would love to pick them.

However, because of gameplay choices, the abilities and soulbinds are really not interesting to me and no amount of number tuning will convince me to pick them over the vastly more appealing abilities and soulbinds of the venthyr for my spec.

It felt bad back then in beta knowing it was gonna happen, and it still feels bad now that it’s launched and official.

Covenants for me are a failure where i will pick something i don’t want because it’s significantly better for me than picking what i want and only after shadowlands ends i will finally get to enjoy the transmog options i should have been able to enjoy in shadowlands.

It’s not fun or engaging to pick a covenant im not overly interested in but have to for gameplay and then drop out to the one i actually want to be once it no longer matters

Covenants should have been a visual thing, soulbinds should have been a mostly blank page where you get to pick keystones, traits and conduits you want.
By all means keep the covenant specific trivial ones locked to that cov but let me build what i wanted to be.
Level 60 talent row lets me pick the cov ability i want, my covenant choice decides how it looks.

It’s not fun having to wait till the expansion is over before getting to join who i wanted to join.

I am aware i’ve repeated that multiple times in this post but it has to be emphasised.

I remember when ion said these were supposed to be choices with consequences, my choices are

  • Pick what i want and be suboptimal for what i need
  • Pick what i don’t want to be optimal for what i need

That’s not really a choice.

If anyone forces you to change convenant so that you can play with them, they are not worth playing with.

Choose the convenant that you want to play.

Nerfs and buffs are inevitable.


“I have to play Kyrian”

No, you don’t.


Covenant ability that fits in your rotation > min-maxing


Guys like OP, just read guides and think they know something… and then complain.


So I just finished on my rogue. And most covenant abilities are so underwhelming, I really would have to go with Kyrian. That said, rogue has extremely boring abilities compared to other classes.

I see where you coming from, but the Maldraxus I would want to go with, has such a insanely bad ability, I hate it so much. It would just sit there on my bar, never being used…

I kinda regret a little to pick rogue, as the other classes have much more interesting legendary and abilities.
If only it wasn’t tied to these god damn abilities, it’d be such a great amazing feature.

I second that covenants should be story and cosmetics only. And I hope Blizzard will finally learn the lesson and for gods sake move away from borrowed powers…jesus how long they have to screw up to finally learn.


No wonder gamers are cynical, bitter and angry all the time… this wierd meta chasing is like a sickness.
Unless you are in some top e-sport team or world first guilds, just stop, get some help.

Oh, no! If only there was a way to not choose Bastion!

I am sorry, but if you’re at the point of playing a class and choose a covenant just because it’s FotM that ruins your own immersion and fun, that’s on you.

It’s not even about meta, like, I didn’t even read different soulbinds or “best covenant for all classes wow top dps mythic nathria solo” guides when choosing, but the Kyrian no-cd refresh extra dot on st PLUS 5 soul shards on packs every 40 seconds is, in my opinion, just way better then any other ability - for an affliction warlock, that is. So I might have had problems if I actually cared about transmog, lore or covenant “vibes” (ugh). So I can understand where this is coming from. Keep in mind Kyrian are not that much adviced for affli in those spreadsheets.

As long as you don’t put much importance on mythic + to reach past 15, I don’t think it matter that much which coven you choose.

Follow the path trust in the purpose be one of us one of us.

This, thank the gods :point_up:t2: