I used to have Bnet on all the time, ie for messages from friends, but that’s not possible now.Several times a day, sometimes a couple of times an hour, Battlenet relogs again, a big login window pops up in the middle of my screen, and it’s incredibly annoying.
Sometimes it’s when I have a 3D application or game running and I lose keyboard control over the application, sometimes when I’m writing something and instead of word editor I start to inadvertently fill in the password to Bnet…Maybe I have millisecond internet dc’s, OK but all online games are running and I don’t even notice it.
But that’s irrelevant, if I have Battlenet in the background, why does it annoy me with a pop-up window ? Let it relog as much as it wants, but let it do it in the background and not pop up on my main screen.Or is there any way to turn it off ?
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