I haven't got my bag slots?

I definitely have an authenticator on this account. I have clicked in top right to check security settings, it says it’s active. i’ve recently been asked to use the app to get permission to login, it’s all definitively working, but i don’t have my 4 bag slots.

I have the + sign to take myself to the page to add an autheticator that i already have.

There was another poster who had the same problem here: Backpack size not increased could be a delay, if you have already added SMS Protect?

You should also get a pet if i read correctly.

Correct, the core hound pet from adding an authenticator, bag slots if you do both authenticator and SMS protect.

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Heya! We have a guide on this here that should help :slight_smile:

You need phone notifications set up too.

Except the SMS protect for some are impossible to set up, if previous owner of the phone number has had it enabled before, like is the case for me :slight_smile:

I have set up both and am still not getting my Bagslots.