I hope one day every spec can play like ret does

Paladin is the only class i never touched in my 17 years of playing this game,i’m not fond of this holy warrior theme and besides i always thought they had one of the most boring buttons to rotate.

A few days ago,out of curiocity and boredom i made a trial pally and i was in awe by the fluidity of the gameplay.
My pally is 68 now,fluid,flashy,engaging,meaningful gameplay and above all,FUN.
I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that demo lock exists in the same game,or affliction in its current state gameplay wise,or many other specs.
Well done on retribution blizzard,a modern approach that the game really needs imo,clunkiness belongs to wow classic.


Sadly Blizzard seems unwilling to let go of some stupid ideas they’ve had over the years when it comes to certain specs. Would be much better if they were all as fluid and relatively easy as ret.

I mained Warlock since BC and switched to ret in DF. 100% agree. It’s the spec that feels best imo.

Turned to Blood DK as i mostly focus on Delves /pvp and gave up on group content. But Ret plays and feel absolutely perfectly.

i leveled a priest to play shadow and my experience is the exact opposite.

what a bs specc having to channel long stuff when there is permanent movement required in mythic +.

Yeah that’s what i meant when i said about modern approach.
Pandaria destro lock(most fun i ever had with a class) and ele sham is an example,casting while moving.(or not casting as much!)

ye casting a 30 sec cd just to have X move start a frontal in your direction gets tired pretty fast.

Ret is such an amazing flow of combat, in and out. The power, the defensives, it is a good all 'rounder that really only gets beaten on ones that specialize.

Sometimes I am afraid of singing it any further praises because the fun police would destroy it. Crabs in a bucket, and drag it back down and ruin one of the reasons I love to come back to this game.

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I used to main a Pala in cata and enjoyed it back then. Too many procs in it for me now and the class just doesn’t fit me, hence the DH :slight_smile:

Apart from shaman, I don’t play classes that have procs popping up on your screen all of the time, it’s too distracting for me.