I hope season 2 has better inflation/rating gains that s1

The CR gains for a win is crazy low - but the loss is crazy high

2v2 i love playing with a friend but im looking at the highest rated people in 2v2 and it seems SUPPPPPPPER low in comparision to previous season/expansions

in SS you get big CR gains, arena small gains - its all abit weird you not think?

Current CR gains and losses are fine I think. It keeps the pvp ongoing. In previous seasons most of the playerbase were able to reach their goals and don’t queue pvp afterwards.

If they don’t reset mmr yes otherwise it won’t, season 1 is always popular but after people start to cancel their sub and it’s getting worse.

Also they did a recolor of the s1 bat mount (which makes people litteraly not q) so it will be worse in 3s.

Other bracket can be OK if they don’t reset or hard cap mmr.

Currently I’m stuck around 45min in q in shuffle at 2k4mmr and 1h15 in q in bgb, means I just can’t play the game at all except in week end, that’s insane.

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