I hope this is the last post I will ever make [Draenor/H/EU]

Im looking for a guild that is ACTIVE! I dont care if youre old or new. Just PLEASE be active.
AND I’m also looking for a guild to call HOME! I really don’t want to change guilds again. It’s been enough.

…I know , a lot to ask for atm right?

I live atm in Draenor, play lazy fat chicken who quests around and when /if feels confident does some dngs/ raids. So basically a wallflower.

What I look in a guild?

  • be active in game + discord
  • be friendly and talkative. Im a really great companion if getting to know me.
  • I like a dark humour and just chilling with guildies.
  • for me playing WOW is escaping from RL stuff, so I don’t take game too seriously. RL is serious enough.
  • I would like if guild would be a bit progress oriented in PVE. I probably wouldn’t join you in M+s or raids - BUT I’m a great cheerleader if needed.

What can I offer to your guild?

  • tbh nothing much … Im a wallflower - I told you before that, remember?
  • I’m a social player who likes talking…if someone talks back… and is online.
  • I will cheer you on whatever you do.

I won’t make a choice to join a guild lightly. I just have hopped in and out a lot… So I want to be sure of my choice.

If it feels like you want to contact me - my btag is Cadry#2579

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Hey there!

You’re welcome to give our guild a look over; Ministry of Silly Wipes.

Bit quieter at the moment, with it being end of expac. Especially in the say; there are a few who hop on and off in the daytime, but its a lot busier of an evening when we’re all home from work.

Discord is pretty active whilst we’re working though =)
Please bave a read of the thread i linked, and add me for a chat if you have any questions!
Westie#2496, both on discord and in-game

Edit: realised a bit late that you’re probaboy looking on Draenor. But the offer is there if you do consider a move ^^