I hope you see, I want to have Chinese support

I’m from Poland and Burning Legion server is considered Polish because there are so many of us, shall i demand Polish support and Polish quest text and spells? that would be lovely, but it won’t happen and i’m ok with this.


But there is a big difference here. Chinese support exists, but it seems that it does not work here in Europe. Not sure why; but don’t fixate me on this, i can’t check it, since i don’t even know what i would click on (the second last or the last, the third from below is Korean, that’s something even i know). If he has done it, but it says that it’s not supported, than it’s not understandable, especially since in America it’s seems to be working.

Polish would be a different issue, blizzard would need to support it, but not only in the quest text (that would not be a big issue; they are even mods that can change your language in quest texts), but more importantly they would also need to have a ticket-support in the supported language. If the ticket-support would not be an issue, i think that blizzard would add multiple languages.

Well i think no one from company expected that chinese people will play in europe (lags, high latency, lang barrier, other alphabet). Is it possible to look for help on US-Chinese support while playing EU? or is it completely separate?

There are two Chinese clients.

One in 簡體漢字, which is traditional characters. This client is for Hong Kong and Taiwan, and it does not have the changes found in the mainland China version, which is written using 簡化字 (简化字 in simplified), and that client has been modified for the demands of the government of Mainland China.

As some of you can probably tell, I study Chinese, and I am also bothered by this restriction, which I don’t think the blue knew about, or at least he certainly missed the point the OP was trying to make.

I assumed this restriction was in place on the US servers as well, but it… isn’t? I’m surprised, honestly.

And yeah, back in the day it was even more restrictive. Only a german client could connect to german servers, for instance.

Why would Blizzard support a Chinese language version in Europe.

Social justice warrior buffoonery.


Why does Blizzard support Chinese in the US?

Probably there is more Chinese players in US than in europe.


I’m about as conservative as they come, but none of that has nothing to do with this whatsoever. Learning a foreign language is not a problem for anybody, regardless of political affiliation.

All the changes in the Chinese WoW client are just string and voice line replacers. There are no mechanical changes. Apparently it’s possible to play with it on the US servers, so I just can’t see any reason to not allow it. I’ve been able to play Starcraft 2 in Chinese on the European servers for ages now. Works perfectly.

When you’re trying to learn a foreign language, constant exposure is the way to go. That’s how I learned English, and now I’m trying to do the same thing with Chinese - but when playing World of Warcraft, I can’t do it.

But I think this should not be a hindrance, because opening Chinese will not produce anything.

Do they actually SUPPORT it not just have a language toggle.

I’ve not seen proof yet of this support.

A Chinese version of the game already exists, with all the in-game stuff being in Chinese (quest text, tooltips, and so on). I don’t read OP’s post as asking for a special Chinese server, only that he can use his Chinese version while playing on some European server.

Which doesn’t sound like a terribly big problem, really. As long as his character’s name is written with a Latin alphabet, and since an other-wise Chinese version of the game already exists, it doesn’t sound to me like this is a huge problem.

At this point I’m not even sure what you’re talking about.

The OP is asking for that language toggle. In fact that language toggle is already there, the game just won’t let you log in if you use it.

If it works, it’s supported.

Why don’t you play it in Spanish with spanish support? Ö_o

You actually say that you need evidence, you can log in to the US service to verify

press F to pay respect


You can choose asian languages in the game settings, you just can’t connect to EU servers with it, for some reason.

Most people don’t seem to understand. Chinese support is for Chinese players in the Chinese region. Anything else is just stupid.

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I know. I already commented previously on that.

And to be clear; my latter statements are just explanations why Blizzard probably won’t do this; it’s not MY opinion on the matter.

They shouldn’t support it. It’s not cost effective for a simple reason, it’s in Europe.
The moment they do this, every other language group will demand support for their language, and they will be entitled to it since a non EU language got it.

No company wants to deal with this snow ball effect. The US servers are different cuz you only have english and chinese (dunno do oceanic servers get another language) where’s in Europe you got like 20+ languages.

US has 50+ countries that all speak 1 language mostly, Europe has 44 countries that all speak a different language (some exceptions exist).

Surely its not difficult for them to allow you to login to the game with the client in Chinese. Considering there are already Chinese language files.