I just Canceled my sub, here is why

Goodafternoon everyone!

I am Rabies the Magnificent, its an honour.
I wanted to honour a tradition where people tell you why they canceled their sub! So here is mine.

Over the last couple of weeks i have loved playing Shadowlands.
Its one of the best expansions since Legion and Cataclysm.
And yet it, kinda, it needs love.
Worldquests Need love
Torghast needs love
The Maw needs love
The zones are verry small and need love.
And we need some news on the new patch.
Yet the raid is amazing.

Still none of these reasons is why i canceled the sub.
I always take the 6 months sub knowing full well i will play those 6 months. But after that i like the option of taking a short break and comming back after a month or so.
It just depends on what i’m doing at that point in time.
My Game time will end in three months and we shall see.

Loving the expansion, currently doing Revendreth story, Finished ardenweald, Finished Curve, working on Mythic, Tons of stuff to do.
I am Rabies the Magnificent and i approve of this message.

Kind regards,
Rabies the Magnificent.

Ps, English is not my first language. The post is probably full of grammatical and spelling errors. Please ignore them, dont be that Person.


Can I have your gold?

I just want my class to feel good again…this is Legion all over again, good content yet my class plays like bonkers.

What you are experienceing is called a burnout take a short break a month or 2 recharge your batteries mate and see you next time :slightly_smiling_face:.

Wish you the best mate.

Kind regards
Halicos the exalted.

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i wished to to the same but unfortunately for me i bought sub with set for 6 months

Can’t you keep a sub just to post on the forums? I always enjoy reading a Rabies the Magnificent post! :wolf:


I do aswel they are a breath of fresh air to read :wolf:.

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yes, rabies! stay with us! :wolf:

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You still got 3 months of Rabies the Magnificent
As always :slight_smile:
nothing is different,


We’re coming up to Chinese New Year so I’m guessing there’s going to be another 6 month sub with themed mount offer soon… Apparently it’s going to be the Year of the Ox, so a bull-themed mount will be an interesting choice for our Tauren friends!

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affliction is in a good spot tho ?

Good numbers mean nothing to me if the gameplay is bad. Yes affliction can pump high numbers yet it plays like garbage compared to Cata/MoP iteration of the spec.

My biggest gripe is that both Demonology and Destruction are in a horrible state and I feel forced to play affliction over demonology and destruction to be viable in m+ and hc raids. I also chose covenant based on aesthetics over dps so you can imagine how crippled I am because of that choise, while it was my own fault to choose Venthyr, I always expected Blizzard to balance them at some point so that one covenant ability doesn’t outperform the other by a huge margin like what is the case right now…but boy was I wrong on that part, guess I just believed Ions lies again.

reasonable. perhabs try an alt ?

That’s a valid option, but in my case the sole reason I play this game after 14 years is because of my bond to my Warlock, which is pretty silly when you think about it but I just can’t make myself try out other classes anymore.
I think this time I’m just going to let my sub drop and come back and check things out after 6 months or a year.

affliction seems nice though, but i guess many dont like malefic vision

u dont need sub to post on forums nomore look at me this is epic

Ugh…incoming “WHY IS THIS A STORE MOUNT” topics

there is no rison why to sub. u have accses to everything without subing :rofl:

Yeah, I don’t understand why world quests in Shadowlands take twice as long to complete than in Legion and BfA. Makes no sence other than to inflate “play time”.

Less trash packs and more variety in the floor layouts.

Yeah it’s a real shame a huge chunk of players don’t get to experience the raids. I wish story wasn’t locked inside raids.

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