I just cant fit a melee hunter in the raid as they dont give anything to the raid sadly

Melee hunter is in a state that, if they are not top dps tier they wont get raid spots.

Nothing else to say.

Bruh preaty sure it’s gonna be dead if they don’t revert the changes!?
They give shamans lava lash and stormstrike 2 instant attacks that hit with both weapons and boost future dmg but nerf melee hunter’s only attack move in order to give us a mongose bite rotation which procs off dodgin but they give us rings to make bosses dodge less so we basically cant use 1 of the abilities thats tied to now 3 of the runes!? and they make raptor strike the tied to auto version on 6 sec cd XD WHAT!!!
Blizzard what crack are you smokin melee hunter was 4rth dps about to be overtaken by paladin and you nerf him below arcane mage in dmg XDDDD unplayable game for anyone else then a hybrid it seems…