I just can't seem to like this game

No matter how much I try I can’t get into TWW. There’s so much going on everywhere, so many vendors, so many quest, so many options that it feels overwhelming.
You’d think that with so much possibility there would be a feeling of freedom but I feel constrained by everything.
It’s honestly suffocating playing this game sometimes and I even if I like the expansion I can’t get into it because of all this filler content that floods my screen and makes a mess of my quest journal.
I remember in the beginning of DF some psychopath made a weakaura with a “chore list” of all the things to do and I just remember staring at it for a minute or two and then just logging out.
Why is the game design nowadays “do menial tasks every week because we said so”, why not just make a small amount but actually flavorful tasks? Why over-complicate everything? Almost every system feels like an anxious overthinking person designed it.


WoWs been like that since vanilla. You have always had a long list of things to do, skills to increase, professions to upgrade, grinds to do, dungeons to run.

If anything its less overwhelming than ever. You only have a handful actually useful end game weekly quests. You only do that and then you can do whatever you want.

Maybe MMOs are not for you?


So true, you can do whatever you want.
WoW is a game with no forced ending or ‘goal’.
You make your own goals.


I felt similarly in early DF after being conditioned to treating all chores as mandatory by Legion, BFA and SL.
Had to take a break for a while, until it kinda just clicked that I don’t no longer need to do anything if I don’t want to, came back and had 1000% more fun doing nothing but 40man BGs for weeks.

And when I eventually felt like doing other stuff, it was just there for me to do and I didn’t feel like I was behind or missed out on anything.


Quit then. Not thread worthy subject.


I think you worry too much. If you just do the content you’re seeing, you can’t really go wrong

This describes how all good mmorpgs always feel at the start: overwhelming. They’re big games, with a lot of things in them and a lot to understand.
You don’t have to force yourselves of course, if you don’t like it have a nice day, but you get used to it over time.
But there really is no list of “chores” to do. There’s game activities, you choose which ones to pursue for your entertainment, and there will always be parts of the game in which you’re a total noob.
Also I don’t want to sound defensive, and I don’t know if this is your second account or something, but maybe it’s a bit soon to talk about design this and design that.

You don’t have to do these things, I also used to pressure myself into these things.

These days though the rule is simple: do I feel like it? If not-> don’t do it. Only one exception on that rule: If I REALLY want something.

Plenty of times where I just go: Nah, I’m going to play/do something else. Takes a bit of work to get there though.

If the game doesn’t gel with you at all, take a break. Maybe you’ll be back, maybe you don’t. Its fine. There’s plenty fun stuff out there you can do instead.

Same for you mate, you don’t have to read or comment on the threads that are not worth your attention. :dracthyr_shrug:


You are over complicating yourself everything…

All the overwhelming stuff to do… its not “do everything”. Its “choose what you like to do and do just that”…

All that “so much going on” is just the way blizzard has to make sure you choose that 1 or 2 things you like and not get left behind.

Look at me : I like to do M+ only. I cant care less about Raid, PvP, reputations, questing, Delves, ect…

So I do NOTHING of that. I just do dungeons. And specifically, I am bored of doing M0 dungeons. So I dont do them. I do something else.

In the past there was only 1 thing to do : Raid. Nothing else. So its a major improvement from what it used to be.

When I feel overwhelmed I delete my quest log and just PvP, or I level and alt through battlegrounds,

Then sometimes, just sometimes, the Crow can bring that soul back, to put the wrong things right

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Give Classic a try, might like it better.

(Less bloat, for one.)

I had the same feeling at the begin after a long break.

Had absolutelly no clue on wtf was going on with all the currencies, quests, professions, zone, rares, treasures ecc and felt just overwhelmed and in a constant state of choice paralysis.

I fixed this by not giving an eff and just take it slow, very slow.

The loop is kinda simple after you remove some of the useless bload this game has:

Ignore everything eccept part of your weekly cache and the giant icons for the weekly quests (not the daily).

Unless you want to go back in time and abuse the profession swap system do not get into crafting, that will freeze your brain.
If you want to make some gold and chill opt for gathering professions.

Do some dungeons, ignore toxic people and just take it at your own peace.
No need to rush because whatever you achieve will be useless in few weeks.


Only the bad ones force you to do dailies/weeklies.


That’s fine though. Plenty of games out there that I don’t like and, consequently, don’t play.

Take a break. Come back in Midnight or even TLT. See if things have changed enough for you to like the game and, if not, then leave again. It’s just a game after all.

Why share that information on a low level classic character with 2 posts though?
That’s what I don’t get.

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There is nothing in this game you’re “forced” to do currently. Weeklies ara a path to gain certain resources and bonuses that only require that you just…play the game. Playing the game is not forcing you to do anything. If you dont want to play the game dont play it. There are no daily grinds for borrowed power without which you cant participate in end game content. Nothing is forced on you.


I am not doing weeklies and such in TWW yet, I got my hunter to 80 and am now leveling alts. But let me ask you this, honest question!

Does doing weeklies give you an edge over those that do not? Do you lose out for not doing them to a point where you might actually regret skipping them?

I’m conviced people get way too abstractly adversarial towards the game in this line of reasoning.
By what you’re saying, everything in any game is forced, if for whatever reason you regret not doing it, and we can’t have progression systems anymore, because progression is useful, and anything with progression is therefore forced.
You’re not forced to do anything, you do what you want and get the rewards for it. Worst case scenario you do what you don’t want and get the rewards for it, in which case you need to log off and find god, but the game still isn’t forcing anything on you.

I am asking about weeklies here, no reason to go off topic and drag other parts of the game into it.
Would appreciate it if you just answered my question honestly. Did not ask for more nor for less.

It doesnt really give you an edge in the sense that youll be better. Doing weeklies will never give you an edge over doing raiding or m+.

But even if it did, you have to ask yourself then, is raiding and m+ mandatory? Is doing end game activities mandatory? Well yes,…and no. Its not mandatory in sofar as that is the point of the game, doing those activities. As I said in my previous game playing the game cant be considered mandatory when that is the whole point.

So no its not mandatory but they give nice resources for doing something that is part of the core loop of wow: doing quests.

And if it was the SL or BFA dailies id understand the complain. But they are only two or three and they are WEEKLY. And again they are not even necessary to unlock some end game required legendary gear or anything, they just give you nice resources that you can also get from other activities from the game.