You can just… not. Try to free yourself from the mindset of having to do things. You don’t. You can do so many things, you skip many things. You don’t have to do anything other than try and enjoy yourself : )
It truly is a form of fomo; what if I miss something here or there and I can’t find it anymore?
What if I’m not the first to arrive at the end? Do I miss out if I’m not ready?
You don’t need to think it, but you feel it. It oh so slowly creeps up on you. Go offline for two weeks and realise you are so far behind you give up on trying to do everything at once because “time”. It really helps to relax and take the moment for what it is; just a bit of gameplay.
You do NOT miss out if every moment in game is fun, whatever items you have or however far you have progressed.
edit: oops, I linked the person I was responding to to add to their text because I agreed, the rest of the text is for the OP. Sorry to make that unclear.
I play many mmorpg’s beside WoW, but WoW is the only one where I find it hard to function without handynotes and other addons to help with quests. In other games this is intuitive and easy to follow, in WoW it is decidedly not. I’d be quite lost without extra help.
Imagine that it’s wednesday and you log in to play.
What is first you do?
you pick all weekly important quest for spark renown etc…
You go and do all weekly activities…
Theater in isle of dorn
Awakening the machine / 10Wax weekly ringing deeps.
Spreading the light in hallowfall
You pick one of the spiders in azj-kahet and do weekly there.
Next if you are pve player
You go and do raid/mplus / delves
If you are PVP player
Pick up all weekly PVP quests for conquest and renown
And you do some of them in the world like collect sparks
And some of them in arenas or BG,epic bgs or rated arenas etc.
You cap conquest and bloody token…
And for honor you can buy viscious bloodstone that is used in crafting PVP gear or buying PVP items to put gem slot into your pvp gear.
you might actually be doing both pve and pvp - thinking that people do ONLY one of those always is silly, i know plenty of people doing both - obviously some focus one more than the other.
you have delves too - rep farming to unlock stuff.
you will have people camping rares for mounts etc. some go hardcore this way - others will do i t occasisonally - you will have LFR visits from most players who want like recipes, mogs etc.
sure if you are outdoor gameplay andy, then maybe you have 3 things to do a week.
Is there a solution?
ye, if rewards were the same in pve and pvp - like the same mount can drop from raid or be won in pvp - no recolors - the exact same - wouldnt make people go nuts for “everything”. There is imo no real reason to add 20 recolors of the same mount to get in 20 different ways?
Basically what many, many people said already - there is “too much of everything” right now in WoW.
And let me tell you this - people play(ed) this game even without discernible rewards. Imagine M+ pushers who have no chance to reach title bracket but “push” with no better gear reward or anything.
Imagine mythic raiders or PVP players “pushing” when still wAYYYYY outside any kind of discernible bracket… or even if they hit r1 they still “push”.
you don’t need 30 new pets every small patch, that most of them are actually recolors anyway…
and the thing is - they add so much stuff that
nothing feels special
you are overloaded with things.
2a) I have TONS of mogs and care about a small % of them, cuz most is awful or useless
2b) I have 2k+ pets but care about less than 100 - because only these might be any useful for pet battles or for looks and running around me2
2c) who needs 500 mounts when I use like 1 to 5 on all chars? sure - nice to pick from them all but also if you look through the list I will have like 10 emus, 30 horses, 20 drakes… inflation and checking boxes.
titles - people collect titles - most of them are actually super lame and you will find out majority of people probably run several of them and some won’t even find much use.
sure - everyone will find something nice. cool. But WoW turned into a collector game.
I personally give up on anything that requires too much “time wasting” but I will go grab “ez stuff” because why not?
at the same time - you are aware if a raid tier is done and you didn’t get a “drop mount” you will either never get it or you will waste time farming it forever. None of the end results are any interesting. Then you ask yourself - why do you even want that ugly mount? Cause it’s there? Then you can move on.
However - it is too much of everything. And it’s not that simple to just never do it - you kinda… play this game - and there is so much thrown at you… what are you exactly gonna do is obviously your choice but at the same time - a lot of this stuff is really… intdented to waste your time and keep you chasing the rabbit - low % drops, big grinds…
More is not always better. I enjoyed WoW more with less rewards in the past, you know? and I always played wow a lot as im a one-game person. and I didnt mind getting rewards rarely but it felt just better. now i get new pets/mounts/titles like every 2 days and it feels more chore-ish than fun? It’s weird, isn’t it? Participation trophies aren’t all that great.
I’m doing both xDDDDDD
basically i’m doing everything
and i don’t feel like there is too much of it
but maybe because i know how to manage my time properly to get what i need from the game.
just look at my profile i’m already completing achievements for delves
Doing PVP for 1800 tmog and im gonna go for weapon
going for Normal/hc raid clear
and when mplus starts i’m going for 2500 maybe 3k
And i still will have days when i’m gonna play different games
AS i said just manage your time better
make a spreadsheet or i don’t know what to tell you
if you want you can have everything and wow is not that time consuming like you think it is
For me its the FOMO.
After an expansion break in DF i came back to TWW and i saw cool things and i was like, okay lets get to farming/grinding/buying from AH etc.
Wow always had this but now its just everywhere, any new event patch etc FOMO FOMO FOMO…
Il prolly end up quitting for good.
Honestly the forums are filled with degenerates that just want a fight. Tell them to stop playing or suggesting MMOs aren’t for them is just ewww. We didn’t have the grind so much back I vanilla, yes there was somegrind but it felt way more manageable maybe because it was spread out more and bit condensed to these tiny zones.
oP I understand, I’m feeling the same way, I only really push keys and I can’t do that until reset and m0 que is already got posts saying 600ilvl + ect… I’ve not had a chance to do any Delves and the weeklys and dailies are all over the show it’s just about confusing and to much. I don’t know were to start when I login I knowing im just stressed out thinking I’ve not done something that will screw me over next week
Fishy she did, she gave the answer you were strawmaning for but also understood where your argument was going and commented on that. Weeklies do give an advantage, but she’s arguing on the relevancy of that and how the mentaility that an advantage means mandatory is the issue.
Just because you didn’t expect it doesn’t mean it’s invalid, you were the one who couldn’t continue the conversation in this case.
Here you’re asking for exclusively what you wanted to hear, which was the answer of the question and disliked when you both got it and more. That is not how information works, you don’t determine the flow, you ask questions and recieve whatever information is given, sometimes unwanted but still recieve it.
And to attempt to not accept the reasoning came off as irational and selective hearing.
Sigh. I said bad games do this because it’s true and overdone in some games. Then it got me thinking if WoW is one of them. I wanted a simple yes or no answer and I was not going to write more to it than a simple ‘thank you now I know’. Not everyone in this forum is out to whine and groan and find every little fault within the game.
It was a honest question to a previously made statement.
Fishy, she was on that topic, because you imply that bad games force weeklies, then asked if wow does that. She simply argued on the original point that just because it is an advantage it isn’t forced which would then remove the neccesity of the question, rendering both it and the answer irrelevant, to if it makes WoW a bad game or not.
She was on topic and understood what you were implying.
We were talking about your question which implied WoW was a bad game because of a previous statement you made and didn’t understand was being disagreed on, not how the forum is, please stay on topic.
But was incapable of giving me a straight answer without word vomiting all over the place and she continued even after I asked her to stop and that I just wanted a simple answer.
As I said before, I have not done this content in TWW yet, so I was merely curious, I neither wanted a moral preach nor someone to think I have nefarious ulterior motives. I was not implying anything. I just wanted a gosh darn simple answer to a gosh darn simple question.
She gave you one, wasn’t word vomit just wasn’t one singular word that way you could use the answer to continue your point which was standing on the premis of your original statement, which was being questioned.
Nice deplatforming attempt, anyways I did not do it on behalf of Valthydra, I did it because the way you argumented and attempted to, for lack of better words, control the discussion to suit your premis that it would make wow a bad game.
Your arguments and statements held no weight other then the fact that you said them, then proceeded to strawman the answer you wanted for your argument regardless of what the other party actually had to say, ignoring their points because in your opinion “Didn’t answer the question”.
Especially when you add unimportant comments that serrve no purpose but annoying the person you’re talking to, like these:
And that is the answer I would have given that chick, too if she had only answered my question without accusing me of implying something or having ulterior motives.
I am too used to gw2 forums where you get straight answers to straight questions. WoW folks are freaking special.
Regardless of intended or not, you did imply that you suspected WoW was a bad game based solely off of if its weeklies give you progression over the players that dont do them.
And idk about you but people dont take too kindly to something they enjoy being implied bad, and would like to understand more, especially about how you came to that conclusion , which is why atleast i questioned your initial statement, but you didnt really follow up.
And this is where you and that other person are wrong. I was not trying to imply anything yet you both took it upon yourselves to know what my motives were and even after clarifying not taking that for an answer but further telling me what ‘I am up to’.
That is incredibly presumptuous. Instead of presuming they could have simply answered the question with a yes or no, or y’know, not replied at all. But no, gotta white knight for all its worth, this person who has a simple question MUST be a traitor posing as a WoW fan!
Dude, chill. Just because it’s there, it doesn’t mean you need to do it. I still don’t have any Dragonflight reps maxed out other than dream wardens for the infinite augment rune. Where’s the rush? Who’s dying? Is the world about to end? Just do your rep grind next week, so what if you get your stuff done a few months later? So what if you never get it done if you don’t want to do it? Rather than complain about the abundance of content focus on what you want to do.
Gotta love flying around, and have a floating head pop up yelling in my ear about their plight on the ground every 20-30 seconds, topping it off by creating a giant quest objective text further filling my screen.
All those timers on the world quests with rep rewards and other type of valubale things also make it feel bad when i know how many times i didn’t do them cause i didnt feel like it. But then when i do cave in and do them, i dread having to farm these in the future for the rep i’d like to have eventually. I remember when in cata, you could just put on a tabard and farm away in normal dungeons at your leisure.
It’s just a constant feeling of being drowned in choices that all require different things to fulfill, most of which i have to look up externally.
Clearly some enjoy being the beast of burden as we are as humans and revel in these task lists to the point they make an addon for their grinds, but for me, having everything on timers in the world AND in dungeons with with all these weird currencies (either literally or forced by other players) is just anything but chill and also just makes me wanna log off as well.
Which i have now so many times, that i canceled my sub, and i’m gonna play other games more worth my time that aren’t about seasonal treadmills on steroids where all the grinds you’ve done are invalidated after 3 months, until at the end of the expansion where they offer you a “raid ready boost” that gives you all the reputations anyways, and even better gear than any season before it was offered.