I just got flamed for healing!

So finally got geared for rated bgs and i just got flamed for healing a bg. I was told to stop healing and just carry the flag. Whats the actual point. PVP is just a waste of time. I was trying to give back and heal since theres a shortage but its too much. enjoy the queue times

Well… if you don’t have a Tank in your Team, Heal Monk is considered the second best FC at the moment (right behind Preservation Evoker). If you don’t want to play the current Meta that’s fine, but be aware that you are actively sabotaging your Team with that decision.

On another note, Queue times are actually kinda alright in BGB. Around 4-8 mins at ~2.8 mmr for me.

If you were playing rated, your tasks is a bit more dynamic than just healing, you were ment to do your bit due to the current meta and circumstances, you were tasked to capture the flags, hence why people seemed annoyed at you, I’d feel annoyed too but it is what it is, and you just have to learn from your lessons and approach rated content with a more open mind and, a somewhat thick-skin to criticism.

In rated BG environment there are certain people with special roles. Flag carrier is the most stereotypical, but you get target callers, base guards or ninja cappers as well. Which classes get assigned to do these things may change in time, but these odd jobs are a core part of BGs in wow; they aren’t going anywhere unless Blizzard seriously overhauls the entire pvp.

All I can say is be mindful of that and if you don’t want to be asked to do anything funky (which I empathize with 100 %; I never bothered to start doing rbgs with hunter for instance because it would mean I would be forced to spend most of the time sitting stealthed at a base whenever Arathi, Eye or Gilneas popped), you need to play a class that just can avoid it.

Do not waste your time for rating in this game. Its 100% Worthless. Nobody cares or respects. Its only a number that has zero value. WoW PvP scene died 10 years ago. Pushing high ratings is nothing but a waste of your life.

Sounds like you tried and gave up.

Private profile.

Improve. Go again.

You get flamed for even existing ingame. Don’t listen to them. Do the best you can and ignore the balding middle age men.