I played classic since 2020. With every new expansion game became more difficult. Gone are the days where you could casualy join MC or BWL pug and have fun. More and more i feel im not able to play the game because of elitism of playerbase. It was bad in WOTLK so i stopped playing and now i got to lvl 85 DK with ilvl 350 and cant join any pug.
So whats the problem? Everyone asking to link achievements and logs to join. To do that you need to clear raid but you need achievements and logs to join raid in the first place.
I understand that raids are much harder now and that people dont want to waste time but basing worth of human being with logs on same internet site is making me sick. Im 34 years old, i cant press 10 buttons while simultaneously watching screen for 10 different boss mechanics with other million thing happenening. If i wanted to do that i would play piano or accordion and not wow.
Im sure there are many other gamers that just wanna experience the content and have fun without being stressed every time they want to raid like they are going to job interview. Most just dont bother and unsubscribe but i wanted to make statement before doing the same:
BRING BACK LFR !!! Let people who want to raid casually play the game. To streamers and wannabes who think they are hard core, I wish you all luck with wiping for hours in Heroic raids in you enjoy it. Keep trying to emulate guilds like Progress, Who etc. but why should casual gamers suffer vocal minority who think LFR killed original Cataclysm.
No, it is YOU who killed OG Cataclysm with your elitism, it is YOU who drove most players away from game by crying for harder raids and it is LFR that saved wow in 4.3
As for me,i had fun doing HC dungeons and getting gear in LFD but i would rather play different version of wow classic on fresh vanilla than stressing myself and feeling like crap because i cant join any raid.
Wow isn’t that hard, lets not overexaggerate. Retail isn’t even that bad either, unless you’re raiding Mythic progression. And also being 34 doesn’t make you disabled, I am 38 myself, there isn’t anything special or overwhelming about Cataclysm. Requirements for raiding pugs increasing over time has always been a thing, because players don’t want long difficult raids they just want to clear quickly, so they invite people who enable that.
If you want to casually raid, actually join a guild that does that, there are plenty of them.
Cataclysm never had LFR before Dragon Soul, the game mode doesn’t exist, so what are you askling for? When LFR came out it was a complete abomination, it didn’t save anything. LFR 12 years ago players were rolling on everything that dropped, so they could sell it to other players on their server or trade it to their friends, it was about as toxic as a game mode as you could possibly imagine, when it released.
join a small cusual guild. I know, i know sounds scary and all, but some very casual guild really only raid once or twice a week. Normal mode is fairly easy, except maybe nefarian. Most guild should easily do 11/12.
Completely agree… while i dont really care about pve content, I can see that the elitism of sweaty basement dwelling fatsos has gotten out of hand… gatekeeping is ABSOLUTELY INSANE after only 2 resets
So, yes… LFR would be very much needed
People should really learn to read before posting empty nonsense.
OP is saying the content isn’t accessible… difficulty is subjective. But the insane elitism and laughable level of gatekeeping is not… it kills the game for the VAST majority and the very small but very vocal minority has their way
Its the entilted scrubs like OP, who dont want to put any effort innto the game. Demands Blizz makes stuff ingame so he/she dont have to do anything other than press 1 button to join everything. Some ppl want a game, others a loot pinata where you put 0 effort innto the game. Insert “bla bla bla 2 jobs, 3 wives, 8 kids, dont got the time”
Originally LFR wasn’t introduced before last Raid phase of cataclysm and at least that should be kept like it was in the original. Especially when I see how people are behaving in the dungeon finder already.
That being said, raids are not difficult in Cata. My guild is mostly dad gamers (with my 30+ years I am one of the younger ones) and we get along well.
But it seems elitism really is a problem, especially on the big servers, the only thing yu can do there is find like-minded people and form a guild/raiding group together to play the content at your own pace.
No, it is you insisting on on demand content. It is your refusal to make connections in the game. Stop pugging, make some friends, and enjoy the game. It’s that simple.
That’s absolute nonsense and isn’t remotely what the issue is about. Shows that you have the attention span of a toddler…
It’s okay that you enjoy the insane gatekeeping and elitism of sweaty neckbeards. Just stick to ur own and don’t force it on everyone while doing braindead easy content.
One real job, a family and being successful in real life is enough for people to not be able to play on the level as you basement dwellers. Keep on coping by putting other people down that might have more in life than gaming. But leave ur frustration elsewhere, while the real adults enjoy a game for what it is meant to be… just a game to fill a tiny fracture of a fulfilled life
You can always play Hardcore wow. Horde on Nek´rosh is pretty booming and Stitches for alliance.
Back2topic: It is true, that the playerbase has become extremely “gatekeepy” as you said. But saying that there are no groups that will take you are probably not true. Just specc Blood watch video guides (which are mostly irrelevant for normal) and you will probably find a spot.
LFR was added with Dragon Soul, And it will be added again with Dragon Soul 100% (unless blizzard dumps it because they don’t have dev time like they did with many other things)
Adding LFR now would require Blizzard to make LFR versions of Tier 11 and Tier 12
That would require insane amount of work. LFR level gear, LFR level encounters, LFR rewards etc.