I just want to know

If its possible to bring arenas here as last phase to make it ever lasting? Will certainly boost population…

Is blizzard capable of doing it or is this ancient code hard to deal with

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Classic wow CC durations and arena were never meant to go together.

It isn’t that they can’t add arena. It’s the balancing issues that come with it. Blizzard are never gonna balance pvp for SoD its pretty evident at this point. The amount of time investment to go into make it that Rogue mage x aren’t the best combo in the game because of CC and stuns ontop of insane on demand pressure/burst. While other classes don’t have a functional interrupt or CC or defensives.

You could even have Boomie Shaman Spriest just relying on instantly deleting someone in the opener with starfall stun + Dot spread into flame shock spread, Spriest dot spread, lava burst/chain lightning, blanket silence on enemy healer, any trinket follow up with fear, both boomie and shaman cast starfire/lava burst/chain lightning on weakest target with no defensives and priest SW:Death finish.

It won’t be the glorious insta queue get to fight most of the specs in the game, it will be queueing into the same comp over and over and over again until the casual players stop queueing and the game mode dies like WSG and AB.

The only way i could see this work would be to just add a dueling arena that you queue into like skirmishes for 1v1. you can wargame it with friends or queue it solo. Dueling is also very onesided depending on matchup but the room to counterplay is actually there at least.

CC Duration for some classes would last longer than the actual arena game itself. 2v2 or 3v3. 1 trinket is 5min CD, with spammable CC on some classes and some half baked Diminishing returns system. Its pretty easy to confirm kills after a trinket against most of the wow roster. Is pretty much only paladin that gets a “Nvm not dead lol” everyone is basically guaranteed death on the next go. There’s hardly even a need to setup kills in this meta its just go full zugzug and out dps your opponent.

I love arena in the versions of the game it was intended for. But SoD pvp is far too much of a meme for it to be a thing.

Fix PvP DR and CC duration and make individual tuning for PvP and PvE values for runes. Then we can maybe have arena that isn’t just dumpster fire from the get go.


Only balancing issue would be Paladins their bubble, reckoning, holy shield 0sec internal cd, pony, pet.

I get it you don’t like prot paladins but if you think that is the only balancing issue that needs to get fixed in order for arena to work then idk what to tell you. We are playing a different game I guess. Please don’t derail the topic to a “Prot paladin OP” thread. Make your own post to address this. Don’t just bump random posts with it.

Feel like only issue would be the bubble balancing, other classes you can atleast hit. Meeting a paladin in 2v2 arena along with a caster for example, bop caster bubble himself Hoj their target and easy win.

Great replies guys but at this point and the state of the current pvp who cares about balance? Im sure all the extra whines on forum won’t hurt them or bother them at all

Sooo… Fixing things you listed doesn’t sound really hard, isn’t it? Assuming blizz did it once introducing PvP stats, which is a heresy on Classic Era, but pretty much acceptable on SoD, since the latest one is already a “custom WoW”. E.g. resilence on PvP gear, which is… Lets say, suboptimal to wear for PvP: if u want to shine in PvP – you have to raid.
I’d go with a single stat, that will change everything. May be not exactly as it was in WotLK / TBC, let resilence affect CC too. And make it less-than-linear graph (not log() but something polynomic < 1), so having some basic resilence will do the job, and any further increase will do good but won’t make one PvP-god.
I know there might be other pitfals but blizzard are more greedy than stupid for sure are capable of managing it, if they find reason to.

let’s go blizzard

this and the fact that it’s a 2-man project pretty much. it’s probably aggrend and an intern behind sod.



Vanilla was never meant to have arenas, and once you have arenas its a slippery slope of people QQing on the forums and everything getting homogenised to the point of being bland slop class design like retail is rn.

I say hell no, classes need some work and tweaking but arena will not improve the game, it will just make it worse in the long run

People whining on the forums isnt a new thing it also wont hurt them anymore since they have enough excuses to cover their failures. If it’s simple and possible to do i don’t really see any downside of having it… Leave the leader boards i would even accept win/lose ratio and matches played only but ill keep dreaming

I’d vote for “free fun arena”, i.e directly without any promises of any balance. To counterweight the latter, arena shouldn’t reward any substantional gear. No “A 0.5 gladiator set”. Maybe just potions, or scrolls, or random craft crap, cosmetics or just money ffs.

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One could only dream.

Imagine by just walking into stv arena you get into que with randoms amd whoever is in que waits up at the bench and watches the arena matches… Hic

Maybe i should let go if this flask of stormwind tawny

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Can’t let go these thoughts about SoD arena
You guys know that back in the days gladiator fights were not something competitive, but rather theatralized slaughter, right? There were different thematics, different enemies. Like fighting in the water with alligators or jumping from log to log over pitfall with pikes. I won’t list all possible scenarios said be there’s no count of them.
…And so all of this could be implemented. It could be something like Mage Tower in Legion, but better. I really liked it. But this is no way a “competitive balanced WoW”. It’s so called “fun” WoW, whatever this strange word means…