I just want to thank Dev time to answer Q&A

Still beating the “omg torghast is mythic+ the second” drum I see.

Have you seen the blue posts regarding the torment feedback? Pretty much confirms what all of us were trying to tell you yesterday about how they intend for it to be something to push excessive loitering and cheesy playstyles but not create the sense you have to rush.

They explicitly state they want you to feel able to explore the entire floor, kill everything with careful CC pulls and small breaks for strategy and not have the torment breathing down your neck. They say if you don’t feel able to do the above, say so and why so they can tweak it.

They are trying to find the sweet spot in how to do it, it’s alpha after all. But please stop spreading your doomsaying nonsense about how it’s a timer in the same vein as mythic because all evidence points to the idea that blizzard do not want it to be like that. They want you to feel able to take breaks and explore.

The only thing they don’t want you to do is be able to take a whole day to clear 1 floor with no penalty which is what you were bizarrely arguing for yesterday by comparing it to raids. Raids are not 1 - 5 man content. More players is more margins for error and more schedules that must align, thus the repeatability of the content has to be more generous (hence why it’s a weekly reset and not daily)


And now they have nerfed the torment, that mean they keep listening to feedback too.

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