I keep Twisting my Nethers

Hello everyone,

First of all sorry for the HORRIBLE dad (dead ? :wink: ) joke on the title.

I’ve been playing since vanilla, and kind of skipped half SL and DF.

Now, I must confess that I’m kind of hyped to come back to the game, but, I want to enjoy it like “back in the day” - with people.

Basically it’s the people (aka guildies), that I miss the most when I played lately. Doing bgs, rbgs, questing, farming, pve or even just talking!!!

I really want to enjoy the new content with people. Since it’s not vanilla, bc, woltk or cata anymore there is also a work and a life to manage besides WoW, so I’m not looking for anything hardcore exclusively.

My battle tag is dillashaw7#2840 .

I’m available to switch faction and server, no biggie.

Is Twisting Nether my new home?

Thank you for taking the time reading my post <3


Hi Morthareen,

I’m not on a great deal anymore, similar to yourself, work and life commitments and all that. Usually evening and weekends only but i’m more than happy to join you for some BG’s and what not if we’re free at the same time! :slight_smile:

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