I killed bronjahm today and all i got was

Noooo. That’s terrible! :open_mouth:

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I do this too in most cases. There really isn’t much of a need for more. Pop vendor mount and offload every half an hour and it’s not necessary at all.

And dungeons/raids where you can’t vendor, hardly drop up to 60 items that don’t stack do they?

Like for Tri speccers who carry gear, I get buying a couple of 30 slotters. But I really don’t get the fixation with two extra bag slots. It’s not a huge deal. If it were, the entire horde would be Vulpera.


But why ? 30sloter is super cheap.

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I am too lazy to mail around gold for bags on my alternate characters and go to the Auction House. :sob: I buy mine from the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth.

I bought them for 70 gold on Silvermoon, stockpiled from a cheap price for remaining non-max level classes I have, bought 16 = 1120 gold.

Same price on Kazzak ,I even bought bank slots on alts which i will most likely never use :rofl: :joy:

damn prices have really dropped for those bags then

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Yea, prices might drop significantly sometimes, perhaps the tailor dudes need gold to buy gametime with token so they put them with extremely low prices to sell faster. Chinese strats :smirk:

before my break i could sell tons of them for 1k each. i would not even create them for 70g. You might as well just vendor the mats at that point

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Me neither, but some people do :partying_face:

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I bought 132 bags ,that would be what,about 10k

Those who started since game launched, know that every space matters.

Also its timed event only.

i have played since early tbc and honestly with the huge bags we got now we got more than enough space. no need to get so focused on a single bag wich is only 2 slots more than other bags in game. maybe in tbc and vanilla bag problems were a thing. but nowadays, no way. unless you are hoarding stuff

If you dont, its your call, but many others do.

then they should buy a vendor mount and get rid of their gray item junk

lmao. There are people on the forums here that are moaning they cant get the bag.

To some these 2 extra slots means a lot. To me its just two slots. And i still do not know what bags we are getting in SL.

It matters to people who don’t know how to visit a vendor or summon one.

There is categorically no way to be in a situation where you cannot afford to put yourself at a vendor and you have accrued 140+ items you cannot destroy unless you’re just being lazy and not visiting a vendor when the opportunity presents.

I am sorry to say, but this forum is only reserved for how bad it is this rare drops a 34 slot bag.

So your post is on the wrong forums sir!
Have a nice day :stuck_out_tongue:

/sarcasm off.

I finally spend some gold and got that mammoth with the two vendors. How many years late?

just opened a ticket about this , this bag should be a 100% drop rate because its of benefit to all classes and specs , the mount is different because you can still farm skadi in UP , this bag will become like hatespark the tiny , once its gone its gone and thats going to become unfair for many players ive killed bron 4 or 5 time so far no bag , i pay my sub for an all inclusive game and everything that comes with it, by giving this bag a none 100% drop there excluding players from all aspects and rewards even the smallest of changes to one persons playing experience to another’s breaks our consumer rights because were all paying for the same product , if however blizzard are not planning on removing these rares come launch then fine it can stay as it is