I killed bronjahm today and all i got was

Im the same, didn’t get mammoth mount until BFA, and even then I’ve never “needed it” regarding bags. I mainly use it to repair before mythic etc.

I’ve also spent most of my game experience up until very recently (where I have cash I dont really care about) surviving with every char only having 20 slot bags.

Like. I don’t get these claims that you need more, or if you’ve played since X you’d get it. I’ve played since vanilla and the only time I remember distinct bag issues was my first few chars who lacked bags. As soon as I had money to supply them or a tailor, this vanished.

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how about 500k

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Than i want everything from the game aswell, since i pay for it without putting in effort or participating in the content.

I do pay for this game, and they create raids with that money.
Yet i am not able to raid due to time constraints but because i am a paying customter i have the full right to be raiding.

So they have to make raids 1 mannable so i can do them when i can play on off raiding hours.

How did we go from: omg Shadowlands is being delayed to:


If i would have gotten that bag i would riot now, and ask for a refund of 500k gold.

Because i did spend 500k gold and now i can get a 34 slot bag for free? Just by killing a rare?
This game has gone crazy and is catering to casuals. omg omg omg.

/sarcasm off once again.

You can one man raids btw. You just have to wait 1 expansion or so :slight_smile:

Yeah, and you can also buy a 34 slot bag with gold without relying on a rare spawn :stuck_out_tongue:

kinda think you missed the whole point of my post “sarcasm aside” the bag dropping for some and not for others is an exclusivity thing and that’s what’s wrong minor upgrade or not is irrelevant i dont pvp , but i can if i want does not mean im being excluded from a big chunk of the game , me not getting invincible to drop is not excluding me from obtaining it , me not getting a bag to drop that will disappear because RNG decides im not going to get it , is an exclusion thing and its why im saying its wrong , but like i ended my original post if that rare will continue to spawn forevermore then the bag not being a 100% drop is absolutely fine

30% droprate is far from an ‘‘exclusivity reward’’
And a 34 slot bag doesnt exclude you from any content nor gives it anyone a huge advantage for owning a 34 slot bag.

You arent excluded from anything.
You can still do raids / dungeons or level your characters.

You only have 2 less bag slots than anyone else who got the bag. And thats fine.
Or do you also want Blizzard to send you 500k gold so you can buy the 34 slot bag from the vendor?

Claiming you are excluded from content by not getting a bag is the worst ‘‘excuse’’ to fight this drop.

You arent missing out on anything by not owning that bag.

If it would enable you to use the dungeon finder or play M+, than we are talking about being excluded from content from a low droprate item.

But missing out on a rare drop isnt being ‘‘excluded’’ out of content this game has to offer.

And yes, if i would have spent 500k gold during Legion on a 34 slot bag, i would consider asking for a 500k gold refund because a 34 slot bag what was so expensive is now in the game for free.

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ok im gonna put this out in a more simple way

u pay a sub for a product , that product must have at least a base level playing field
if that field is even slightly off balance to someone else , your not getting what you paid for , example 2 people go to buy brand new mercedes for 35k the dealer flips a coin and out of sheer dumb luck the other guy gets the all singing all dancing luxury model and you for your 35k get the box standard with none of the bells and whistles , would you be ok with that ? i very much doubt you would , blizzard for to long have been pulling stunts like this , to name 2 off the top of my head , hatespark the tiny , no amount of effort on my part allowed me to obtain that pet , why ? because rng was against me . fair ? NO!! ended up paying 450k for pet that should have been free for all (FYI i ran that torturous anniversary raid over 50 times on my toons). was that fair ? no , the biggest one blizz managed to get away with was the azeroth chopper , should have been a free gift for every player but instead it cost all alliance players that wanted it 100k gold when all the Horde Mainers got it free . was that fair ? NO!!! at the end of the day we all pay to play this game and all rewards no matter how trivial should be equal and fair across the board , but with this bag yet again blizz are proving their not

And it does.

We all can experience raids / dungeons / pvp and all content this game has to offer.

Having a rng drop which increases your bag space by 2 slots is by no means an huge advantage and not even a correct example about an equal playing field.

And you have just as much chances to get a bag as i do.

And tomorrow you might get said bag, and i dont.

Your request is to remove all rng and drops, because you paid for a product.
Because gear would be part of your “equal playing field” example aswell.

So your logic is as flawed as it gets.

I already got 2 bag out of the 3 kill. Deleted the second one. :smiley:

Enjoy your flags

There are flags to be bought ?


Bought that in legion

Shame its unique ; packing 4 of these badboys would be lovely!

Oldmanbarry has Mail…from Haris Pilton.

You can always keep farming it and then sell it just for the satisfaction of it

great idea

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Got the bag on my 4th kill last night- does look out of place with my deep sea satin bags though

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