I know how it is to RP Rambo with warmode on for us at Defias Brotherhood

Hello dear dev team,
I have a suggestion about the current warmode in Nazjatar on Defias Brotherhood and wonder what happened with the ratio of players on each side with warmode on. Something has happened the last weeks or so. Seems we are phased together with Argent Dawn server. Cant remember they were a realm we saw people from before.

Horde is totally overrun by Alliance in Ratio in the new zones with warmode active now. This is for me mostly ok since i manage to do all quests and so anyway with warmode active so can live with it.

The big problem is that when the ratio is so wrong like today in Nazjatar at 21:00 and the PVP event begun. It is pain to try and get debuffed for even the slightest reward.

I was 8 minutes early into Zone to be able to fight. Started right away at 21:00 when the event begun with trying to find that odd Alliance character
that is totally unaware of the slaughter of the Horde and quests alone and go all in to try and debuff me with a kill.

Wasnt lucky today. Alliance decided to humiliate Horde even more today by going into our main Horde Base in Nazjatar with a full 40 man raid and kill all of us.
We tried to group up and single out 1 guy to get a kill but no luck. For me atleast a warmode event about bases (flags) is that you should feel that you contributed in the event by capping them.

Can we change so that if you are close to a neutral flag when it goes to your factions color you will get the get rid of the debuff and can get a reward.

Only positive is that with the current way of Horde life you finaly managed to get me to want to fight the Alliance in every way i possibly can when people call for help. The promised battle for Azeroth rage is finaly there and growing. Feels so great when we on the Horde sometimes manage to mobilize our forces in a zone and push our enemies away!

When you loose most of the event fights or rare npc kills with a ratio of 10 Horde vs 40 Alliance chacters (Feels so atleast) in all zones all days you actually made me cherish the wins/kills so much more!

If you win in a battle event or get a war supply chest you actually cheer in
general chat to your fellow Horde and smile big. This made me realize that something is not right.

I dont mind getting ganked or chased by more enemies than our side can manage in some fight with a loss off an rare mob kill or event fight.

But when you feel nowdays that it is no point to bother look where the warchest drops or even try to participate in the PVP event or go for a rare mob kill something is wrong.

Sure i can turn off the warmode and go on with my life but if your intent was for me to choose what way is fun for me to play i can not feel the love from the devs of a more fun game.

Having warmode on and try to compete for a chest, rare mobs or event fight is just downright pain.

It gets even worse when you see so many people in general chat that have started talking about migrating from the server makes me sad. This will snowball out of control soon.

But hey you laugh alot when you get assasin buffed when you HS into Nazjatar zone from a AH/bank run and you are standing there alone and think. Damn what heck did do now? …Did i somehow kill 10 of the Alliance critters outside my base or what?

Have a nice day!

PS. Buff all Horde with a invisibility spell pls. It would be nice to see the world in color if you get what i mean :slight_smile: DS.


Doesnt matter…

Once the pvp event starts, you outnumber us by far, win the event with us hardly gettin 100 and then you r(e)ap Mezz…

Nothing to cry about…

Oh and btw… seeing a horde now, is as rare as it was back in vanilla…

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