I know it's off season but 2400 reached

i’ll just stick to mastery gear :smiley:

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Does the game allow you to buy 2k4 tabard and weapon transmogs from S4?

Congratz! I faced a few rshams, they feel stronk. But if youre playing Ele I cant help but have a small anger towards you.

Edit: Just looked you up. Resto! Well done. And good on ya, you deserve it after all those games buddy!


No it doesn’t, feels quite bad tbh but it’s alright. Next expansion and much better preparing for it, i think i can get it.

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Congratulations I’m thinking if switching classes to get to 2400. Tried lock over years now, never got it. So I’m thinking about paying retri or feral.

Thanks a lot, i have to pop Champagne. It’s about time :champagne: :champagne:


Feral would be harder most likely, out of the 2 you should try ret. Good luck!

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Rn ret feels better then feral, even with the gear difference. Ret misses one epic and has zero enchants and gems.

Feral requires a whole different kind of gameplay aswell where ret is more of a zugzug. Just pray you dont get a hpala healer in shuffle :sweat_smile:

I know that feral is completely different, i but 2k in S4 with my feral. Started playing feral in Dezember 2023.

My ret was 70 for just 1,5 weeks in S4.

Play what you feel most interested in and what you feel is the most fun.
Rets in its current form is quite easymode in terms of gameplay. So it should be quite easy to pickup.

Well done! Great work.

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Thanks champ! I can’t wait to meet you in next season : )

That’s my issue here, i like both playstyle. But for 3vs the heal is definitely a holy priest. Now it depends on the other dps, which spec is he playing. I thought of he plays his hunter(main class) I’m going with the feral. Of her plays his shadow in playing my lock. If he plays warrior in going with the pala.

Then id prob keep both of them geared from early season and see how they play during TWW to choose abit more since something might change in TWW.
You arent rly forced to main one spec though

Ive seen Vanguard play ret with hunter and warrior. So if you want to focus on one spec more while your friend can play hunter or warrior then it can be a good option to start with.
But as before, it depends if you want to be more a zugzug or if you want to be more control in the end =p

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Is it important which hunter spec it is for ret?

I personally dont think so? I dont have that much knowledge about that part.
But I cant rly see any real differences between any of the hunter specs as long as they have MS effect and their CC combined with ret.

But if you are interested in rets you can also check vanguards discord or youtube and look for titles with hunter in it.
You still got atleast 3 weeks on you to look around and decide xd

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In looking into Vanguard, i knew there was a good na ret but couldn’t remember the name.

I got over 1800 today in shuffle, went 5-1 in a caster lobby. Ele, destruction and fire mage. One round i played really bad.

But I’m happy.

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