I know it's old content but Mirrors

Hey folks I’m trying to farm a few tmog pieces in ravendreth so I got my mirror network to level 3 completed all the quests, got the ability and repair kits to repair mirrors so I can travel through them and collect the boxes but the problem I have is… I don’t have any broken mirrors. Nothings popping up on my map. I’ve followed the wowhead way points and nothing is there. I contacted blizz they said report it as a bug. It’s been over a week now. I was hoping reset would fix it but alas no. I’ve tried in and out of war mode and it does nothing.

Does anyone know of a fix.

Many thanks

think shadowlands is broken to heck right now, can’t even get into the maw with my alts for some necessary clothes shopping, i think they plan to fix it with the next patch, not sure when that is though grr.

they should honestly open azeroth shop where you could shop for clothes in game

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I’d agree, but if it’s anything like irl shopping ¾ of the shop would be for ladies the other ¼ for kids and us men would have to find the broom closet with our stuff in :rofl:

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