I know who killed Wrath :dracthyr_love_animated:

Blizz did it.
They intentionally killed classic so they can force same loop of same old addons and make profit every 2 years by rehashing expansions. All veterans left, rest of andies scattered across HC, SoD and Era so only small chunk of players who will pay even if it’s sandbox simulator which means there won’t be any outcry, no #nochanges anymore. ActiBlizz just won again, we lost.
It’s so obvious even blind can see it.
Cya all on Warmane!
The rest of you cya on your garrisons :rofl:


I mean Classic comes free with your subscription at no additional cost… It was to be expected they were going to do the other old expansions again after people wanted the “Classic experience”.

Since this comment is getting quoted a lot I’ve emphasized the important parts due misunderstandings.
Thanks everyone!

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Some say they even make a profit every month when we pay our sub

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Only applies to folks who play retail as well.


WotLK is by far best iteration of MMORPG and them refusing to make a dedicated server for it is mind boggling and showing how fallen is this company.


I honestly don’t think Blizzard saw this amount of destruction to WotLK coming with the release of SoD. Neither did I to be honest. Obviously some people would walk over to SoD, but I didn’t expect both my guilds to announce complete shutdown overnight the 5th of december, and basically my whole friend circle to abandon WotLK completely and go all out SoD.

It’s such a strange feeling now. Dalaran is still crowded on the big realms, but with no community and no friends it’s still lonely.

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I’m confused what people even expected from wrath? You do the raid in 1-2hours then theres nothing to do till next week. I Guess you can make 10 alts but thats kinda crazy tbh. Pvp is disaster since you can’t play without bis pve gear + meta never changes and personally i dont enjoy being destroyed by warriors and rogues for 2 years straight with zero counterplay.


Just admit that you saw how bad WOTLK is as an expansion, and the only reason you praised it was because of nostalgia. There won’t be wotlk era servers, because they will die out after a month. This is not your “Warmane” where every month there is a fresh realm coming up. If they add era servers they will stay forever on this patch, and nobody will want to farm shadowmourne on their 15th alt.


About the same as I experienced in TBC, really. Perhaps it’s just my personal experience, but the game steadily declined transitioning from TBC to WotLK, and moving forward. Not the actual content the game had to offer, but people quitting, raid teams falling apart, loot drama, foul play and the list goes on. In general less people playing and less sense of a community. And also getting to clear every raid with a solid team, which just didn’t happen this time around. Only stable phase for me personally was the ToGC patch.

Not at all, for me personally. I actually enjoyed the content more this time around. Perhaps due to me being a more knowledgeable, smarter and better player compared to 2009-2010. The game itself is solid even in this age, to me.

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So… this same flawed logic applies to retail then too ? By your pov WoW is free, as long as you pay for your subscription.

As well, yes Cata would not have had the same hype as Wotlk or the previous things. But many were and still are looking forward to it (Including me). The fact that Blizzard released the roadmap where Cata is like… half a year away has literally killed a ton of Guilds overnight. Everyone (In part) including me are playing SoD only atm.

There is nothing to do in Wotlk, and 4+ months from now ? I dont really see which servers or Guilds will be left standing. Imagine farming ICC for 4 more months…

Blizz doing what it does best, not read EU forums, and cannibalizing its own playerbase from one version of the game to the next.

No, it means that if you pay for your subscription, at no additional cost you may also play the additions Classic Era, Wrath and the branching Classic SoD as well. It does not mean that the subscription doesn’t cost money as you’ve misunderstood.

The base subscription price did not increase as a result of additional Classical experiences being (re)-introduced to the game nor branching content being brought forwards and neither can you buy a seperate subscription for this.

So I don’t see how it is “flawed” only taken out of context.

This is also stipulated at the subscription page, note you don’t specifically only pay for WoW Classic SoD as there doesn’t exists a seperate subscription for any of the Classics: https://eu.shop.battle.net/en-gb/product/world-of-warcraft-subscription

Includes access to World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Classic Season of Discovery and Hardcore Realms!

I see this in a bit of a different way. I think my subscription is paying for 1 game, which is WoW. Regardless of how many versions it has. So I am not getting anything for free.

Tho ok, you could say if you pay for retail then you get every other version for “free”.

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I pay for WoW Classic SoD. Included in that I can play Era, Wotlk and the previous expansion of Retail.

that’s true

but the playerbase isn’t the same
there was less botting, gold culture, etc…
and no Parse culture, no extreme Meta culture

Vanilla / TBC / Wotlk are strong games
but the min-maxers fully mined it
No place for casuals, lazy players
Meta-parse min-maxers want the perfect run or nothing, the game is ridiculously too serious

Meta-parse min-maxers →

  • have an easy life with nothing else to worry about
  • have an empty life and they live for WoW

Agreed. I’d argue the playerbase has changed quite a lot even since the launch of Classic in 2019.

To a certain degree, yes. I fully support minmaxing in content that actually requires it, like ICC HC progress raiding, especially at launch without the buff. I do it myself when raiding.

But minmaxing content that doesn’t need to be minmaxed, like 5 man dungeons (yes, even hc+), obsolete raid tiers etc is just silly to me. Just earlier this week, I was dusting off my old holy paladin alt from phase 1. Thought I’d do the weekly raid boss, which this week is Noth in Naxxramas. Actually got declined as 4.3k gearscore, with proper raiding gear from that phase. People don’t seem to realise 4.3k gearscore is basically BiS phase 1 gear. If it was good enough for Undying runs back then, surely it’s enough to kill an entry boss in the same raid 1 year later. It’s just mind boggling to me how some people reason in this game nowadays.

I bet it’s the same people sitting in trade for 20 minutes creating a 6k+ gearscore group for their daily FoS, instead of just queueing RDF and finish it in 7-8 minutes with us regular 5.5k gearscore scrubs.


yeah, same situation here in SoD
people rush farm the Warsong rep to get the 2 epic pieces,
like they are not gonna be able to finish MC without these pieces…

They pre-farm Warsong rep only for the parse culture

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I agree with everything. GDKP, bots, Blizz fueling fire with token, no RDF until everyone left. Incredibly bad and stupid decisions by billionare company. Sometimes I think they doing it on purpose.


It’s not even the best iteration of WoW lmfao Wrath was so mid its hilarious



You can’t say that Classic’s are free.

We all have to pay, if we want to play even a classic versions.

Access is under same subscription, it requires a real money.

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Wow f2p allready a while, wotlk token worth like 13k atm, its nothing.