I get that the more people to play solo shuffle, specifically healers (i have an alt healer myself), but i would like to play a dps as well. That being said, its impossible to get in a game. Today i waited for 45 mins to get a queue pop, i went to the toilet, got back, queue gone…
I just want to log in and play.
To pause the queue while going afk - Queue a follower dungeon and leave it afterwards.
For the queue times … as DPS im in queue with two accounts at once. Playing healer only in 3v3 and bgb not shuffle.
That sounds like Blizzard is intentionally making ques last ages. Seen this when doing old raids. Inside and all ques pop all the time. Outside 1-2 hours passes by.
The queue is paused while in the follower dungeon and wont pop, but it seems like you keep your priority after leaving the dungeon again.
Yeah but game checks this and its stupid. 2 hours in OG. Nothing. Fly inside raid and almost instant pop up. Disgusting.
They have to fix the MMR for healers, and just the general fun one’s having playing a healer in solo shuffle, if they want to address queue times for DPS players. At this time, it’s just not particularly fun to play SS as a healer at all, no matter what class and how OP it is.
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More people are starting to run 2 accounts and que for shuffle.
All good for Blizz 
And risk dps player being unhappy for having to fight harder for rating than healer ?! Are you insane ?!
I’d play it more if I wasn’t punished for DPS running out of range/sight and dying due to their own fault.
Or melee DPS just running out in the open vs casters and taking it all to the face without even interrupting.
Likewise with CDs. If a DPS dies with all defensives, why should I be punished for them not pressing their CDs?
Naaaaaah, the DPS should have to take that penalty. I’ll stick to games where I don’t get punished for other players mistakes if I want to play vs players.
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