I liked the old animations and sounds more than the new ones

Oh God this.

Every time I play my feral druid I almost cringe off my chair. It sounded perfectly fine before, now it sounds like…

honestly, I don’t know what it sounds like. I legitimately can’t wrap my head around those sound effects. They make no sense.

EDIT: Here they are if you’re interested:

Actually, come to think of it, it kind of sounds like you’re ripping cloth. Well, some of them do. Others just sound like white noise. Thrash is particularly bad.

There’s a couple of great roar sounds in there, but the actual sound of claws on flesh are just absolutely hideous.


I also made a thread about this , would be awesome to choose our animations via glyphs.

The profession would have finally a new purpose and I think the community would love it :slight_smile:

Change animation via glyphs


I really liked the animations of retris in, I think it was wod or mop?




Best Templar’s Verdict animation.

My god, I am so sorry for feral druid players, they got massacred completely.

I think it’s not only a nostalgia thing, you don’t feel the impact of your abilities anymore. Back then, when you hit someone with your two handed axe you would hear the flesh tearing, critical hits + deep wounds was bloody as hell both SFX and visual. The sounds were distinct for 2 handed classes and impactful. Immolate was a thick long fire and not a noddle that looks it deals less than 1% of target’s total health. Rogues would not scratch plates with their knives, they would torn the flash apart…Honestly, we can continue for hours and it’s so sad!

Did windwalker monks get any upgrades? I think it is the only spec in the game that was not touched and I hope it remains that way.

I am not against updates as long as they hit the expectations and feel like upgrade and not a downgrade.

I hate the new models with a passion.


Weakauras might work, they allow you to add sounds to the game.
I have a weakaura which plays “I need a hero” during Heroism.

I use an Addon called “OldGunsSounds”. It changes hunter/outlaw rogue`s gun sounds. Its really cool and satisfying!

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Old Warlock Incinerate and Shadowbolt animations were much better. Current ones feel Like I’m throwing something to tickle the target.

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What you mean you don’t like guardian new wooosh woosh sounds ? Come on

I miss my male human animations :’(


Yeh no thats a hard disagree from me , atleast for caster animations.

arcane mage spells look so much better now.

This would be so nice to have, to have more ways to personalize your character, not only through transmog but also customize your race/class animations and spell VFX. This would resolve our problem with the current ones without removing them.

Arguably, the game is over saturated with mounts and soon to be, gear, so we definitely need more ways to add uniqueness to our avatars.

There are some glyps that offer more customization options, changes the color of a spell, adds some extra vfx, replace the travel form of the druid with kitten but I feel it’s not enough and it has a huge potential. The green fire warlock is another good example but sadly blizzard did not develop more on this type of vfx features.

With the risk of being flamed, if the poison proc animation from classic would be unlockable via shop I would buy it immediately, do mythic raids for it - I would turn into hardcore pve player, do batttlepats - I would target to become
a pokemon master!

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And it wouldn’t be even a lot of work. All the animations already exist. They just need to make a ui Interface with glyphs where you can manage it.
And the inscription profession would be also saved again :slight_smile:

I also guess that people would even love it more to play their characters, they underestimate how much the players want stuff like that :man_shrugging:


I only started playing this expansion so I can’t comment much on most abilities, however I did play classic and I find the hunter bow sounds 100% better than the retails ones, is there a way to fix it in a legal manner? Idk blizzard’s stance on changing game files/sounds.


Are there any animations or sounds that have already been updated? Aha… Everything is so much outdated and cringy. The entire game needs a major graphic/sound update… Just saying…

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Believe it or not, most of the abilities are updated and not in a good way, that’s why some of us are crying here :frowning:

Yep and human female is even worse then that, she looks like some 95 yr old woman with back problems. But it fits her ugly new model face ofc…

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I don’t play feral anymore since the sound update. Yes, this is how much I was let down by the change. I don’t understand how they can make such terrible changes and think they’re good ones. And what I don’t understand even more is why they don’t listen to the many players complaining about them. Whenever I play on my shaman I feel like I’m zipping mobs with little sparks.

Animations ? Absolutely terrible. Whenever I cast a moonfire I feel like I just caught a pokemon.


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